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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 22 2014 Contact: **LONDON, UK **— The Open Access Button is launching a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to raise £20,000 to support the development of Button 2.0. The Open Access Button is a browser bookmarklet that helps users report when they hit journal paywalls and cannot access research articles.

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Autore OA.Works

Open Governance The Open Access Button strives to be an open project that strengthens the Open movement. The source code of the Button is open and freely available through GitHuB, the data gathered by the Button will be open and freely available, and now the guiding and main documents of the project will be open and freely available to the public. The guiding documents are now available through our Open Governance page.

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Autore OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? Oregon State University’s library has begun a new program to offer open access eTextbooks produced by their faculty in house. This project aims to reduce the financial burden on students caused by expensive textbook fees.

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Autore OA.Works

Behind the Open Access Button is a team of international student volunteers. Get to know them on Team Button Tuesdays! This week we have Juan, one of our Secretaries; and Sarah, one of our Community and Advocacy Coordinators. Juan Carlos, Secretary Hi. My name is Juan Carlos and I’m an OAddict.

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We’re thrilled to announce the addition of six professionals to the Open Access Button Steering Committee. Our Steering Committee now holds expertise in advocacy, fundraising, copyright law, programming, governance, communications, and technology in the Global South. The Committee will provide long term perspective to the project and serve as a guide to our international student team that runs the Open Access Button.

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Autore OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? Open Access Button Steering Committee member Vic blogged on an Open Access Button upgrade coming soon, offering links to open access versions of papers. Two new biodiversity and conservation Open Access journals have been launched in Chile.

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Autore OA.Works

Behind the Open Access Button is a team of international student volunteers. Get to know them on Team Button Tuesdays! This week we have David, our co-founder; and Georgina, our fundraising coordinator. David Carroll, Open Access Button Co-Lead Over the last six months, I’ve been constantly amazed at the progress of the Open Access Button.

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Autore OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? Kevin Smith, Scholarly Communication Officer at Duke University, denounces the Nature Publishing Group (NPG) for attacking academic values.

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Autore OA.Works

A Bigger Button Team The main growth for the Open Access Button lately has been recruiting new members for our student team and Steering Committee. Student Team We have welcomed 11 new team members to team Button! This brings our international student volunteer team to 19 members. We’ve expanded our Communications, Fundraising, Secretary and Technology teams.

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Autore OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week (or two)? The Frontiers in Innovation, Research, Science and Technology (FIRST) Act was introduced into the United States House of Representatives. Section 303 of the FIRST Act would be a leap backwards for open access to United States federally funded research articles.