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EngineeringScienceTechnologyAngel InvestorAppleIngegneria e tecnologiaInglese

… if it hasn’t done already In California the streets aren’t paved with Gold, they are paved with Silicon. Many a Californian has made their fame and fortune from Silicon-based commerce. Facebook, Google, Twitter, Oracle, Apple the list goes on and on. Silicon paves the streets of Silicon Valley. Silly Valley is often imitated but rarely […]

PoliticsScienceAdam AfriyieAfriyieConservativeIngegneria e tecnologiaInglese

Mr David Rutley MP House of Commons London SW1A 0AA Dear David, The “Geek Manifesto” and the importance of science in politics Please find enclosed a copy of a new book by Mark Henderson, titled “The Geek Manifesto: Why Science Matters”. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.

CommunicationConferencesEngineeringProgrammingScienceIngegneria e tecnologiaInglese

Next weekend, a bunch of very distinguished computer scientists will rock up at the magnificent Manchester Town Hall for the Turing Centenary Conference in order to analyse the development of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Alan Turing’s legacy [1]. There’s an impressive and stellar speaker line-up including: Rodney Brooks, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Fred Brooks, University of North Carolina […]

InformaticsScienceCodCognitive MediaEcologyIngegneria e tecnologiaInglese

It’s Friday, so here’s another one of those cool RSA Animate videos by Cognitive Media. This one is narrated by Microsoftie Manuel Lima and describes how the tree structures that we know and love, such as the infamous tree of life are becoming inadequate for organising knowledge, despite having been useful for thousands of years.

AwardsCommunicationScienceAlan BundyAlex BatemanIngegneria e tecnologiaInglese

Dear Professor Nurse Fellows of the Wiki Society? To improve public engagement with Science and Scientists, the Royal Society should employ a wikipedian in residence. Here’s why: The Royal Society is a National Academy of Science which represents some of the world’s leading scientists.

CommunicationConferencesScienceBBCDesert Island DiscsIngegneria e tecnologiaInglese

The Life Scientific is a series of interviews by Jim Al-Khalili of high profile scientists. It’s a bit like Desert Island Discs without the music and with more interesting guests. If you missed them on the radio, you can download the lot as a podcast. Here’s a good example of an interview with John Sulston on the […]

EngineeringTechnology2012AdSenseAdvertisingIngegneria e tecnologiaInglese

Advertising agencies are everywhere, there is no escaping them. But who’s the daddy of the advertising world? The mother of all ad agencies? According to wikipedia, WPP is the “world’s largest advertising group by revenues”. This is hogwash. Some of the world’s largest ad agences are technology companies. For example, in descending order of revenue: Google Inc. is […]

CommunicationMathematicsPublishingTechnology200Ingegneria e tecnologiaInglese

According to the software which runs this site, this is the 200th post here at O’Really?  To mark the occasion, here are some stats via WordPress with thoughts and general navel-gazing analysis paralysis [1] on web analytics. It all started just over six years ago at nodalpoint with help from Greg Tyrelle, the last four years have been WordPressed with help from Matt […]

FootballFundingFunnyScience2012Ingegneria e tecnologiaInglese

If you are not interested in Football Science, look away now. Normal service will be resumed shortly. There is a controversial idea in football that money buys trophies, also known as Mancini’s Blue Moon hypothesis. Two rival Universities have led the way in testing this idea, The University of Old Trafford and the The University […]

EngineeringInformaticsPublishingScienceAndrew DeansIngegneria e tecnologiaInglese

When I first heard about Journal Fire, I thought, Great! someone is going to take all the closed-access scientific journals and make a big bonfire of them! At the top of this bonfire would be the burning effigy of a wicker man, representing the very worst of the vanity journals [1,2]. Unfortunately Journal Fire aren’t burning anything just yet, but […]

Book ReviewMathematicsScience(x² + Y² − 1)³ − X² Y³ = 0Ingegneria e tecnologiaInglese

Former Mancunian James Lovelock runs the kind of a laboratory most scientists can only fantasise about working in as they grind through the humdrum bureaucracy of peer-review and never-ending grant applications. Lovelock is fortunate enough to run a completely independent, self-funded lab located in the beautiful West Country. There’s a fascinating interview with him on The Life Scientific […]