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Reda Sadki

Learning to make a difference
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LeadershipLearning StrategyCapability DevelopmentHRProcess ImprovementScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

Here is a summary of the key points from the article “Nobody ever gets credit for fixing problems that never happened: creating and sustaining process improvement”. Overview Many companies invest heavily in process improvement programs, yet few efforts actually produce significant results.

Global HealthCapacity-buildingGenderIA2030Immunization Agenda 2030Scienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

The article “Gender analysis of the World Health Organization online learning program on Immunization Agenda 2030” is, according to the authors, “the first to showcase the positive inclusion of mainstreaming gender in a WHO capacity-building program.” Context: The paper analyzes action plans developed and peer reviewed by participants in one cohort of the 2021 World Health Organization (WHO) Scholar Level 1 certification course on Immunization

Global HealthLeadershipCapacity BuildingDACDecolonizationScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

In the article “Towards reimagined technical assistance: the current policy options and opportunities for change”, Alexandra Nastase and her colleagues argues that technical assistance should be framed as a policy option for governments. It outlines different models of technical assistance: Capacity substitution : Technical advisers perform government functions due to urgent needs or lack of in-house expertise.

Global HealthHealth WorkforceHealth Workforce ShortageHRHHuman Resources For HealthScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

In “Prioritising the health and care workforce shortage: protect, invest, together,” Agyeman-Manu et al. assert that the COVID-19 pandemic aggravated longstanding health workforce deficiencies globally, especially in under-resourced nations.

Global HealthClimateClimate CrisisEvidenceHealthScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

“The Imperative for Climate Action to Protect Health” is an article that examines the current and projected health impacts of climate change, as well as the potential health benefits of actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The authors state that “climate change is causing injuries, illnesses, and deaths, with the risks projected to increase substantially with additional climate change.”

Global HealthGlobal ShortageHRHHuman Resources For HealthWorkforceScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

The severe global shortage of health and care workers poses a dangerous threat to health systems, especially in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The authors of the article “Prioritising the health and care workforce shortage: protect, invest, together”, including six health ministers and the WHO Director-General, assert that this workforce crisis requires urgent action and propose “protect, invest, together” to tackle it. Deep

Global HealthIA2030ImmunizationImmunization Agenda 2030Peer LearningScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

WHO’s 154th Executive Board meeting provided a sobering picture of how the COVID-19 pandemic reversed decades of progress in expanding global immunization coverage and controlling vaccine-preventable diseases. Over 3 million more zero-dose children in 2022 compared to 2019 and widening inequities between and within countries. Africa in particular suffered a 25% increase in children missing out on basic vaccines.

Global HealthCOVID-19EquityIA2030ImmunizationScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

The WHO Director General’s report to the 154th session of the Executive Board on progress towards the Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) goals paints a “sobering picture” of uneven global recovery since COVID-19. As of 2022, 3 out of 7 main impact indicators remain “off-track”, including numbers of zero-dose children, future deaths averted through vaccination, and outbreak control targets.

TheoryDigital LearningOleksandra PoquetPeer LearningSensemakingScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

In her article “A Shared Lens for Sensemaking in Learning Analytics”, Sasha Poquet argues that the field of learning analytics lacks a shared conceptual language to describe the process of sensemaking around educational data. She reviews prominent theories of sensemaking, delineating tensions between assumptions in dominant paradigms.

TheoryComplex LearningDichotomiesEmergenceMichael J. JacobsonScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

In their 2014 article, Jacobson, Kapur, and Reimann propose shifting the paradigm of learning theory towards the conceptual framework of complexity science. They argue that the longstanding dichotomy between cognitive and situative theories of learning fails to capture the intricate dynamics at play.

TheoryDesignIntelligent EnvironmentsWarren M. BrodeyScienze dell'educazioneInglese
Autore Reda Sadki

Warren M. Brodey, writing in 1967, advocated for “intelligent environments” that evolve in tandem with inhabitants rather than rigidly conditioning behaviors. The vision described deeply interweaves users and contexts, enabling environments to respond in real-time to boredom and changing needs with shifting modalities.