
Reciprocal Space

Part of the Occam's Typewriter network
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Autore Stephen Curry

I came across this today and found it quite remarkable. I’m not going to say anything more right now but, if you have a minute, test yourself with this short video. No questions just yet – just take a look. If you’d like to learn a bit more, then listen in to this week’s excellent Guardian Science Weekly Podcast. Please don’t give anything away in the comments – at least for a day.

Autore Stephen Curry

I read an article by Matthew Reisz in Times Higher Education last week about the strained writing style of academic publications and it really got my goat. Don’t get me wrong — it’s a good piece and makes some valid points, several of which resonated strongly with me. Reisz wonders at the lack of pleasure in academic writing among writers and readers, which leads to the inanimate style of much academic prose.

Science & PoliticsBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

Yesterday morning I was at the Royal Institution to hear David Willetts, the UK Minister for Science, outline the new government’s policy on science. His speech comes at a time when the government is issuing all sorts of warnings about the parlous state of the British economy.

Autore Stephen Curry

Nerds Many of you will already have seen this because I have been promoting it shamelessly on twitter. But this is the video of the talk I mentioned in a post back in March that my daughter Eleanor gave on a topic she feels passionately about: corduroy. I thought it might amuse some of you.

CommunicationScientific LifeImascientist 'public Engagement' AmazementBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

It is the day after the day after the fortnight before. I had hoped to write sooner about the relentless work and tremendous fun I had participating in I’m a Scientist, Get me Out of Here over the past two weeks. But such was the nervous energy expended in the last week that it has taken me till now to recover my bearings.

CommunicationScientific LifeBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

Week two of “I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here!” is now upon me. This week the evictions start, so the competition is hotting up. I had meant to get around to writing a blog-post about week one, but I have been preoccupied with more pressing matters – like getting ready for week two. I hope to serve up a digest of my experiences of this public engagement once the hurly burly of the week is over.

Autore Stephen Curry

It starts tomorrow. The floodgates will open and will not close again for two whole weeks. I mean of course that “I’m a scientist, get me out of here!” starts tomorrow morning. I have signed up to submit myself for interrogation — on any topic — by children from participating schools from around the country. Image hosted at flickr

Open AccessScientific LifeBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

This is, to my mind, a quite astonishing report about Nature Publishing Group (NPG) hiking its proposed 2011 journal subscription charges to the University of California (UC) by 400%. (NPG is the company that runs the Nature Network blogging platform). That’s right: 400%. I know nothing about the ins and outs of this deal.

Autore Stephen Curry

Wunderkind of audiovisual media that I am, I confess to being rather late in getting around to this one. Even I hesitated at the narcissistic self-absorption of it. But as a blogger, I must learn to overcome such hesitations. Here, to demonstrate my proper credentials and my total commitment to the vocation, is a photograph–taken just now–of the computer on which I have begun to compose this post.

Protein CrystallographyScientific LifeBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

This is a quick one. The internet’s not working terribly reliably at home so, in case you missed it on Twitter, Facebook or Friendfeed, here is a short film about what myself and some of my group got up to last Saturday. Hit it Van… Thanks to GrrlScientist for already promoting it on her blog.