
Reciprocal Space

Part of the Occam's Typewriter network
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Protein CrystallographyScientific LifeBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

This is a quick one. The internet’s not working terribly reliably at home so, in case you missed it on Twitter, Facebook or Friendfeed, here is a short film about what myself and some of my group got up to last Saturday. Hit it Van… Thanks to GrrlScientist for already promoting it on her blog.

Autore Stephen Curry

Confused by the title? I’m not surprised. I’m a little confused myself. Though this is a common experience in science and nothing to be ashamed of. I was thinking about the Boomtown Rats since I was using their celebrated second album, A Tonic for the Troops , to keep me running around Hyde Park in the warm sunshine last Monday afternoon. More often than not I use music these days to help drive myself along.

Autore Stephen Curry

Ha, this’ll make you laugh. Having spent my last blogpost in wistful reflection on the endless judgements that I find myself subjected to as a working scientist, I have just signed up–quite voluntarily, of my own free will and with my eyes wide open–for a whole lot more. However, this time it should be fun. Though I confess to being a little bit terrified. I am going to take part in the upcoming round of I’m a scientist, get me out of here!

ScienceScientific LifeBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

When I die and am laid in my grave and my soul ascends to the Pearly Gates and the Supreme Being peers at me over half-moon glasses and declares, “Well Stephen, it’s Judgement Day”, I will look him in the eye and reply: “Dear God, not again!” Because, as a scientist, my life seems to be a never-ending succession of judgement days. Lately it’s being getting ridiculous.

FunProtein CrystallographyBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

For three days last week I was at the EMBL in Heidelberg taking a fantastic course on data visualisation. As is often the way with scientific training, the course was intense: lectures and practicals from 9 in the morning till 10 at night. This particular course was perhaps unusual in being divided into three modules even though each student focused on just one of them.

"Grant Application" Cannon StoopidBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

Load. Aim. Fire!!!!! Grant application submitted. Who knows what will happen? If you feel moved to comment, please do so randomly. I’m all out of evidence and logic.

TV ReviewBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

It seems somehow to have always been there. I cannot remember when it first came to my attention but I have long been aware of it as a landmark or rather a landscape in the background of my mind. Jacob Bronowski’s documentary series, The Ascent of Man , was first broadcast on BBC2 in 1973.

Autore Stephen Curry

I wanted to write something in time for World Homeopathy Awareness Week since homeopathy is such an amazing phenomenon. But though the promotional week is now over, I’m sure you can remember it. You will have memories of some of the things that were written and said. Memories are so important for human beings. They enrich the present and allow us to navigate from the past into the future.

Autore Stephen Curry

You know that feeling? That feeling you get? That feeling you get when you and your mate are climbing in the Andes and the weather closes in and before you know it you’ve slipped off an icy ledge and suffered a horrific impact fracture of the femur.

History Of ScienceBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

I am pleased to be able to announce that, having taken up jogging at the turn of the year, I can now run faster than a rocket. Well, strictly speaking, I can now run faster that the Rocket–or rather a very fine replica thereof–which I overtook yesterday lunchtime in Kensington Gardens. This was the view as I whizzed past: Stephen passes Stephenson . Anyone wishing to take a ride in the train has until the 18th April.