
Reciprocal Space

Part of the Occam's Typewriter network
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CommunicationScientific LifeBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

Roll up! Roll up! Lay-deeeez and Genne-men! Step right in! We have here today for your delectation and amazement a veritable cornucopia of comeliness, a festival of fecundity, a very large bucket of sciency bits, in all their wondrous and freakish varieties. We present Scientia Pro Publica Number Twenty-Two! Like a barnacle’s penis, this edition of Scientia Pro Publica is long and strange and packed with seeds–for thought.

Libel ReformBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

Yesterday morning I made my way to the Royal Courts of Justice in London’s Strand to attend the Court of Appeal hearing in the libel case brought by the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) against Simon Singh.

Autore Stephen Curry

Grrlscientist and Bob caught me napping the other day and before I knew it, I had agreed to host the next Scientia Pro Publica, which will be published here on Monday 1st March .

Autore Stephen Curry

I have little to say this evening apart from reporting that I came home tonight and caught the new moon before it dipped behind the trees. Thought some of you might want to have a look. Moon over Kent And my daughter and I espied the Orion Nebula; unfortunately my photographic equipment is not up to recording that. But this astronomy lark is the business .

Autore Stephen Curry

Updated at 10:30 am Following my brief and angry post last week about Simon Jenkins’ wayward accusations against scientists in The Guardian , Bill Hanage and I have written a more temperate but no less strongly felt response that has appeared in today’s paper (page 33 if you have a copy). The article has now appeared online (thanks to Richard for spotting it – see comments) but here below is the copy that we submitted

Autore Stephen Curry

I just wanted to clamber up onto my pedestal for a moment (it’s rented – I don’t actually possess one) and shout at the very top of my voice that Simon Jenkins has written an article in The Guardian that has made me VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY, VERY CROSS!!! I’ve already commented there (as scww) and have nothing more to say on the matter tonight.

Autore Stephen Curry

Thought that some of you might like to know that the latest (Feb 2010) issue of The Biochemist is running a special series of articles on Science and the Media; science communication if you will.

AltMedProtein CrystallographyBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

This morning I attended a my first ever publicity stunt. The 10 23 overdose event, initiated by the Merseyside Skeptics, was held in cities around the UK and the rest of the world. Our particular group assembled in the lightly frosted but thoroughly freezing Red Lion Square in Holborn, London. I was more than happy to hand over £5 for the 10 23 t-shirt—glad of the extra layer of clothing!

FunScientific LifeBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

After a slight delay, I had an idea for a blog post and I’m going to run with it. Hope you can keep up. I have started to run. I have known for a long time that I needed to do this but it took a build-up of pressure to get me moving. It is for my own good. I am feeling the pain but also, still somewhat to my surprise, the benefit. So far I am managing to go running about three times a week.

AstronomyHistory Of ScienceBiologiaInglese
Autore Stephen Curry

I am 46 years of age and I have just discovered Jupiter. This is a surprising revelation, even to me. I have strong memories of being a child besotted with things astronomical. Looking back now, however, I have to wonder at the superficiality of my interests. I was certainly a devotee of space and space rockets.