Scienze della Terra e dell'

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

SV-POW! ... All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
Pagina inizialeAtom ForaggioISSN 3033-3695
"Angloposeidon"ConferencesSVPCAScienze della Terra e dell'AmbienteInglese

Sorry to you all for the recent radio-silence here on SV-POW!. Matt and I are hard at work preparing our presentations for SVPCA 2019, which will take place on the Isle of Wight next week. Delightfully, not only will Matt be joining us this year, but so will his wife, forensic anthropologist celebre Vicki; and their son London.

100% Totally RealBig Tough Sauropodologists Throwing Away Their DignityCamarasaursGoofyStinkin' HeadsScienze della Terra e dell'AmbienteInglese

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Science CommunicationUlterior MotivesScienze della Terra e dell'AmbienteInglese
Autore Matt Wedel

First, a short personal backstory. Vicki’s and my extended families both live mostly in Oklahoma and Kansas, so they only get to see our son, London, at the holidays or at infrequent mid-year visits. Starting when London was five, every year I’ve made a photo book of his adventures through the year to give as Christmas presents to all of our relatives. These have also become cherished mementos for the three of us here in Cali.

BarosaurusCervicalCoracoidDiplodocidsDorsalScienze della Terra e dell'AmbienteInglese

And so the series continues: part 9, part 10 and part 11 were not numbered as such, but that’s what they were, so I am picking up the numbering here with #12. If you’ve been following along, you’ll remember that Matt and I are convinced that BYU 9024, the big cervical vertebra that has been referred to Supersaurus , actually belongs to a giant Barosaurus . If we’re right about, then it means one of two things: either

BrontosmashArtScienze della Terra e dell'AmbienteInglese

Darren Naish, the silent third partner in SV-POW!, alerted me to this piece by palaeoartist Steve White: {.alignnone .wp-image-16447 .size-full loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“16447” permalink=“” orig-file=“” orig-size=“768,1024”

Stinkin' Every Thing That's Not A SauropodStinkin' HeadsStinkin' SalamandersScienze della Terra e dell'AmbienteInglese
Autore Matt Wedel

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Open AccessRecycledShiny Digital FutureThings I Should Have Posted A Year AgoScienze della Terra e dell'AmbienteInglese

I’m a bit shocked to find it’s now more than five years since Robert Harington’s Scholarly Kitchen post Open Access: Fundamentals to Fundamentalists. I wrote a response in the comments, meaning to also post it here, but got distracted, and then half a decade passed. Here it is, finally. The indented parts are quotes from Harington. It’s always a powerful rhetorical move to call your opponent a fundamentalist. It’s also a lazy one.

Gold Open AccessOpen AccessShiny Digital FutureScienze della Terra e dell'AmbienteInglese

I’ve been on vacation for a couple of weeks, hence the radio silence here at SV-POW! after the flood of Supersaurus posts and Matt’s new paper on aberrant nerves in human legs. But the world has not stood still in my absence (how rude of it!) and one of the more significant things to have happened in this time is the announcement of RVHost, a hosted end-to-end scholarly publishing solution provided by River Valley Technologies.

"Ultrasauros"BarosaurusDystylosaurusSupersaurusScienze della Terra e dell'AmbienteInglese

The history of Supersaurus — and its buddies Ultrasauros and Dystylosaurus — is pretty complicated, and there seems to be no one source for it. But having read a lot about these animals in the process of writing eleven mostly pretty substantial posts about them, I feel like I’m starting to put it all together.