Adam Ferner reviews Everything Flows, by Nicholson and Dupré
Adam Ferner reviews Everything Flows, by Nicholson and Dupré
Next Home Previous The Deep Metaphysics of Space Edward Slowik Reviewed by Marius Stan The Deep Metaphysics of Space: An Alternative History and Ontology beyond Substantivalism and Relationism Edward Slowik Cham: Springer, 2016, £58.99 ISBN 9783319448671 Debates on the ontology of space used to gesture at some root in history—of philosophical groundings of dynamics
Next Home Previous A Minimalist Ontology of the Natural World Michael Esfeld and Dirk-André Deckert Reviewed by Matteo Morganti A Minimalist Ontology of the Natural World Michael Esfeld and Dirk-André Deckert New York: Routledge, 2018, £92 ISBN 9781138307308 Among those who embrace naturalism, and consequently urge that the a priori methods of philosophy
Tilman Sauer reviews Einstein, by Thomas Ryckman
Julia Göhner reviews Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science, edited by Slater and Yudell
Rosenberg and Glymour review Actual Causality, by Joseph Y. Halpern
Daniel J. Hicks reviews Exploring Inductive Risk, by Elliott and Richards
Next Home Previous Explanation and Integration in Mind and Brain Science David M. Kaplan Reviewed by Joe Dewhurst Explanation and Integration in Mind and Brain Science David M. Kaplan (ed) Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017, £45 ISBN 9780199685509 The debate over whether, and to what extent, psychological explanations can be considered to be ‘autonomous’ is an old one,
Next Home Previous Developing Scaffolds in Evolution, Culture, and Cognition Linnda R. Caporael, James R. Griesemer, and William C. Wimsatt Reviewed by Gregor Halfmann Developing Scaffolds in Evolution, Culture and Cognition Linnda R. Caporael, James R. Griesemer, and William C. Wimsatt ( eds ) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2014, £55.95 ISBN 9780262019552 This collection of essays
Next Home Previous Real Hallucinations Matthew Ratcliffe Reviewed by Matteo Colombo Real Hallucinations: Psychiatric Illness, Intentionality, and the Interpersonal World Matthew Ratcliffe Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2017, £32.95 ISBN 9780262036719 Suddenly, there was a terrible roar all around us, and the sky was full of what looked like huge bats, all swooping and
Atoosa Kasirzadeh reviews Scientific Collaboration and Collective Knowledge, by Boyer-Kassem et al.