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Science in the Open

The online home of Cameron Neylon
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AmateursOpen ScienceScience CommunicationOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Amongst the other things that I do I am a fairly serious amateur musician. I sing regularly and irregularly in choirs, have occassionally done some solo vocal work, conduct a bit, and in the past written fairly substantial pieces of music for orchestra and choir. When I started university I made a choice between doing music or doing science.

Creative CommonsCreative Commons LicensesOpen AccessOpen DataOpen Knowledge FoundationOutras ciências sociaisInglês

One of the strong messages that came back from the workshop we held at the BioSysBio meeting was that protocols and standards of behaviour were something that people would appreciate having available. There are many potential issues that are raised by the idea of a ‘charter’ or ‘protocol’ for open science but these are definitely things that are worth talking about.

EconomicsOpen DataOpen Notebook ScienceOpen SciencePerimeter Institute For Theoretical PhysicsOutras ciências sociaisInglês

I am thinking about how to present the case for Open Science, Open Notebook Science, and Open Data at Science in the 21 st Century, the meeting being organised by Sabine Hossenfelder and Michael Nielsen at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics.

Biosysbio2008EthicsWorkshopOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Tomorrow myself and a few of the usual suspects, who I have finally met in person are giving a workshop on ‘Open Science’ as part of BioSysBio 2008. If anyone else who I haven’t met yet is about at the meeting then feel free to introduce yourself, even if you can’t make it to the workshop. The workshop abstract is up on OpenWetWare if you want to have a look.

Biosysbio2008Data FormatsData ModelFormatFuGEOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Frank Gibson has posted again in our ongoing conversation about using FUGE as a data model for laboratory notebooks. We have also been discussing things by email and I think we are both agreed that we need to see what actually doing this would look like. Frank is looking at putting some of my experiments into a FUGE framework and we will see how that looks. I think that will be the point where we can really make some progress.

CollaborationCritical MassData FeedsSemantic SearchSocial NetworkOutras ciências sociaisInglês

How do we actually create the service that will deliver on the promise of the internet to enable collaborations to form as and where needed, to increase the speed at which we do science by enabling us to make the right contacts at the right times, and critically; how do we create the critical mass needed to actually make it happen?

Bursty ScienceCollaborationData FeedsFriendfeedOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Image via Wikipedia There have been a number of interesting discussions going on in the blogosphere recently about radically different ways of practising science. Pawel Szczesny has blogged about his plans for freelancing science as a way of moving out of the rigid career structure that drives conventional academic science.

E-social SciencePeer ReviewOutras ciências sociaisInglês

The mainstream media has a lot of negative things to say about blogs and user based content on the web. Most of them can be discounted but there is one that I think does need to be taken seriously. The ability of communities to form and to some extent to close around themselves and to simply reinforce their own predjudices is a serious problem and one that we need to work against.

E-notebookOpenwetwareWikiOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Image via Wikipedia Just a very brief note, which really follows on from the vigorous discussion in Jennifer Rohn’s blog at Nature Networks this week, to say that the guys at OpenWetWare appear to have gone live with some of the new functionality for laboratory notebooks on the wiki. Check it out from the OWW main page. I will have a closer look and make some comments as and when I have a bit of time but it looks like a good start.