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BlogsECREAEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Hannah Köhne

A conference I could attend that I didn’t have to work at and was indeed about my topic of interest? Wow! From 25 th ­– 27 th October 2023 the biennial ECREA Television Section Conference, Redefining Televisuality: Programmes, Practices, Methods was held at the Film University Babelsberg in Potsdam, Germany, relating to John T. Calldwells (1995) concept of televisuality.

BlogsECREAEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Malin Binding

As a participant of the conference Redefining Televisuality: Programmes, Practices, Methods at the Film University Babelsberg I attended the panel on ‘Television Ontology’. All the seats in the room were taken. Every presenter only had 15 minutes, so at the end it felt like we had all completed a marathon sprinting. But let me present to you the information that I found most interesting along the way.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsTruecrimeVanlifeEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Chapter proposals for edited collection #TrueCrime: Digital Culture, Ethics and True Crime Audiences Proposals due by Thursday 1st February 2024. The hashtag #truecrime currently has 50.7 billion views on TikTok and 1.3 million posts on Instagram. Reddit’s ‘True Crime Forum’ boasts over 2.6 million ‘detectives’, and the most-watched true crime videos on YouTube achieve in the region of 30 million views.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

This two-day conference aims to re-evaluate the gothic proliferation, duplication, and industrial (over-)reliance on sequelisation that emerged from the 1980s studio system. This conference seeks to open and build upon significant discussions on sequels stemming from existing scholarship (Klein and Palmer, eds.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Terminator @40: Origins and Legacies  An academic conference hosted by The Centre for Film, Television and Screen Studies, Bangor University, Wales  18 & 19 June 2024  The Terminator franchise has left an indelible mark on popular culture.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

The Disney, Culture and Society Research Network is pleased to announce its Call for Papers for the Second Annual Disney, Culture & Society Research Network Conference: Disney in a Time of Global Transformation.

CFPCFPsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

The Centre for the History of Television Culture and Production, Royal Holloway, University of London is pleased to announce a TECHNE Collaborative Doctoral Award funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. This fully-funded studentship will focus on British television drama and the ‘television film’ in the 1980s and 1990s and will involve a collaboration with BBC History.

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Ross Garner

Last Thursday, as I left my house to get the train into my office, I glanced at my phone to see a message from my sister. Whilst this event was in itself not unexpected, the contents of the message was. ‘Bad news,’ it started.

BlogsECREAEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Alison Winter

From 25 to 27 October 2023, Film University KONRAD WOLF opened its doors for the conference “Redefining Televisuality: Programmes, Practices, Methods“. On the last day of the conference, Friday, 27 October, various TV formats were the focus of discussion. The panel “TV-Formats” gathered leading experts in media studies. Anne Marit Waade, a researcher at Aarhus University, is known for her work on media tourism and landscapes.

BlogsECREAEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Melissa Beattie

The idea of television for dogs sounds like it should be part of a Monty Python (BBC, 1969-1974) sketch but it is a genuine subscription-cable television station available transnationally. Offering programming such as ‘Stimulation,’ ‘Relaxation’ and ‘Exposure,’ on its homepage (accessed 12/11/23), Dog TV advertises itself as: Fig.

CFPCFPs JournalsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

This special issue of Northern Lights focuses on the ‘Female Trajectory’. The goal of this collection is two-fold: presentation and interpretation of narrative plots (in film/fiction/popular culture/new media, etc). How is the female figure presented in various historical periods and how it is reflected from a feminist point of view (post-feminism, eco-feminism, etc.)? Furthermore, having in mind the well-known historical determination of