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Television Studies Blog
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BlogsECREAEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Elke Weissmann

Two years ago, I wrote a provocation for CST about the problems that the continued tendency to priorities research on a particular kind of television creates for the academy. I argued that all we do is underpin existing hierarchies of gender and race in the academy and that a solution could be that we look at other television.

BlogsTV DictionaryEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Tomer Nechushtan

My TV Dictionary entry, on the show American Bandstand (ABC, 1952-1989) was born of a struggle I experience as a scholar and videographer in being able to grasp, study and say something about daily television programs. Televisual fiction genres are usually studied as a single text, comprised of several or many episodes.

CFPCFPs ConferencesOctoberEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Event Website   This pre-conference is timed to coincide with the start of the ECREA Conference, taking place from 19-22 October 2022 in Aarhus. Keynote Sophie H. Bishop: ‘Young People and Influencer culture in the UK’

CFPCFPs ConferencesEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Application for roundtable sessions at The BBC at 100 symposium, 14-15 Sept 2022 The BBC at 100 symposium will take place at the National Science and Media Museum in Bradford and online on 14-15 Sept 2022.

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Gary R. Edgerton

Brian’s music taps into the same source that gospel music taps into.  That deep, fundamental sadness or darkness that we all carry.  It’s like it finds you there and it takes you up out of it.  That was just innately in the music.  The harmonies, the sound, offered a way out and a transcendence. — Jim James, lead vocalist and guitarist for My Morning Jacket

BlogsTV DictionaryEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Dan O’Brien

As a film, television and digital media scholar, videographic criticism is a format that I was aware of but had not yet put into practice. My interest in this medium led me to Ariel Avissar’s “TV Dictionary” which for me became a form of practical access into this world of videographic criticism. Participants familiar and new to this medium create content through a specific rubric, or algorithmic guidance: a tv show;

CFPCFPs JournalsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Networking Knowledge, the journal of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies (MeCCSA) Postgraduate Network, invites contributions from postgraduate students and early career researchers for publication in an upcoming issue focused on television, video-on-demand, and binge watching. Academic articles, creative work, interviews, and media reviews from any field of media, communication, and cultural studies are welcome.

BlogsTV DictionaryEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Ariel Avissar

The “TV Dictionary” is a collaborative collection of videos premised on a simple prompt: each video attempts to capture the essence of a television series using a single word, by juxtaposing the dictionary definition(s) of that word with a clip or several clips from the series. It is currently comprised of 48 videos by 25 makers, and has been warmly embraced by the academic videographic community, receiving numerous mentions on Sight &

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Andrew Pixley

Now, I’m sure that, like me, you have fond memories of The World of Eddie Weary , the massively popular private investigator series of a few decades back. Fig. 1: Down these mean streets.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Editors: ​Jennifer Dawes, Midwestern State University, Nora M. Isacoff, Columbia University, Overview : The proposed book will be an interdisciplinary examination of the AppleTV show Severance , in which employees of a biotech firm consent to having their brains severed so that their work selves and non-work selves do not retain each other’s memories.

CFPCFPs JournalsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words. – Ursula LeGuin, 2014 Science fiction includes a myriad of thematics from futurism, technology, transhumanism, apocalypse, other-worldliness, interspeciality, alterity and to history.