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CFPCFPs ConferencesEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Application period is extended for the 2022 CNRS Thematic School “Moral and Social Issues in Television Series,” organized by the ISJPS (UMR 8103 CNRS/Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), with the support of the ERC DEMOSERIES and in partnership with the Institut ACTE (EA 7539/Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne), La Fémis, and the University Gustave Eiffel.

CFPCFPs ConferencesEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Please note there is the option to present in person or virtually. The International Vampire Film and Arts Festival and University of South Wales present The 6 th Vampire Academic Conference ‘Vampires Through the Ages’ 15 th -17 th June 2022, Insole Court Mansion, Cardiff, Wales.

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Christine Geraghty

Some of you may have seen the announcement of an issue of Open Philosophy (2022; 5:1) which is devoted to a ‘Topical issue: Ethics and Politics of TV Series’ or, as the editorial explains, ‘Taking TV Series Seriously’. The editorial, which is somewhat breath-taking, can be found here.

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Andrew Pixley

On a Good Day… there’s a knock at the door and it’s the postal operative with a ‘Do Not Bend’ envelope that they don’t want to bend and you open it up and inside you see this… Fig 1: Adam Adamant Lives! (2|entertain: 2006) … and you are so relieved because you were so worried about what 2|entertain were going to do to the viewing notes you’d written for their DVD release of Adam Adamant Lives! (1966-1967). The series – a

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor John Ritchie

Oh jings, is it that time again? Already? For the semi-regular look into the lives, laughs and lunacy of my lot? Yes, it is. So, what do you need to know? Well, MDBJ got a new rug for the living room. The children, quoth she, are to be banned from going near it, looking at it, thinking about it in general and that is that! They will destroy it inadvertently and my life will be ruined again. No, don’t mention the couch!

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

We are seeking proposals for an edited collection tentatively titled Television Comedy & Cultural Crisis. Chapters should focus on a specific television series, and address how that series engages with the discourse of a particular cultural crisis through comedy.

CFPCFPs ConferencesSeptemberEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Autumn 2022 marks the centenary of the BBC. From almost the very start, women worked in many capacities including behind the scenes, making programmes and speaking on air. This conference will explore how women across the world were ‘addressing the nation’ and other political and social communities. Not just as broadcasters but also, for example, as activists, actors, journalists, writers, cartoonists, orators, storytellers and public figures.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJulyJuneEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

University of Amsterdam, Thursday 30th June – Friday 1st July 2022 Keynote Speakers: Dr Benjamin Stevens (Trinity University) and Dr Rutger Allan (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) Organisers: Caterina Fossi MA (University of Amsterdam), Dr Merlijn Breunesse (University of Amsterdam), and Koen Vacano MA (University of Amsterdam)

CFPCFPs ConferencesECREAOctoberEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Organised by the ECREA Media Industries and Cultural Production Section Streaming media content, live or recorded, has experienced exponential growth during the COVID19 pandemic. Streaming, understood as the digital transmission and reception of files over the Internet, refers to text, audio and video content.

CFPCFPs JournalsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Queering the quotidian – Queer phenomenological approaches to ‘lowbrow’ entertainment Issue 20, Summer 2022 Co-Editors-in-Chief: Philippa Orme & Isaac Pletcher Book Review Editor: Wesley Kirkpatrick The body is fundamental to explorations of queer identity. Queer bodies sense, relate and respond to the world differently;

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Jonathan Bignell

I am keenly anticipating the simultaneous launch (in April) of three edited collections I have been working on with fellow editors Sarah Cardwell and Lucy Fife Donaldson. The books are part of a new sub-series from MUP, collectively titled ‘Moments in Television’. They derive from the parent ‘Television Series’ books about TV drama creators, a series that has been running for nearly 20 years.