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CFPCFPs ConferencesECREAOctoberEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Organised by the ECREA Media Industries and Cultural Production Section Streaming media content, live or recorded, has experienced exponential growth during the COVID19 pandemic. Streaming, understood as the digital transmission and reception of files over the Internet, refers to text, audio and video content.

CFPCFPs JournalsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Queering the quotidian – Queer phenomenological approaches to ‘lowbrow’ entertainment Issue 20, Summer 2022 Co-Editors-in-Chief: Philippa Orme & Isaac Pletcher Book Review Editor: Wesley Kirkpatrick The body is fundamental to explorations of queer identity. Queer bodies sense, relate and respond to the world differently;

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Jonathan Bignell

I am keenly anticipating the simultaneous launch (in April) of three edited collections I have been working on with fellow editors Sarah Cardwell and Lucy Fife Donaldson. The books are part of a new sub-series from MUP, collectively titled ‘Moments in Television’. They derive from the parent ‘Television Series’ books about TV drama creators, a series that has been running for nearly 20 years.

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Pat Holland

Partly due to an excess of clutter and partly due to the onset of old age, I’ve recently decided to tidy up my study.  Over the years I’ve been an obsessive collector and haven’t been able to bring myself to throw stuff away.

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Liz Giuffre

Australians are facing a federal election soon. But first, some translations for international readers. ‘Daggy’ and ‘Pollies’ are Australianisms. “Pollie” is short for ‘Politician’. “Daggy” means uncool or unfashionable. Also short for ‘Politician’. Elections are equal parts fruitful and terrible for the television. They are fruitful because of the advertising – gloriously bad, but gloriously huge ad-spend.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJulyEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Contemporary film and TV in the UK appear to offer at least three interrelated problems for the lower socio-economic classes. There is imbalance, exploitation, and precarity in the industry; perennial problems around representation; and the inculcation of neoliberal ideology antithetical to social justice and equality.

CFPCFPsCFPs Books/edited CollectionsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

We are seeking proposals for an edited collection tentatively titled Television Comedy & Cultural Crisis. Chapters should focus on a specific television series and address how that series engages with the discourse of a particular cultural crisis through comedy.

CFPCFPs JournalsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

Call for articles – ViewFinder Issue 120: Arena LearningOnScreen’s ViewFinder Issue 120 is now open for submission from academics, researchers, doctoral students and video essayists. In this issue we will be exploring the landmark BBC arts and culture series Arena.

BlogsEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor Anders Grønlund and Eva Novrup Redvall

When creator Adam Price created the political drama series Borgen for Danish television, premiering in 2010, no one thought that international audiences would take an interest in the political life and debates of a small Scandinavian country. As we now know, this turned out not to be the case.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneEstudos dos media e ciências da comunicaçãoInglês
Autor CSTonline

In July 1972 Ms. magazine released its first independently-published issue, featuring the now famous “Wonder Woman for President” cover. Although first appearing in comics in 1941, Wonder Woman’s focus on compassion and empathy spoke to the publishers and readers of this feminist magazine fighting for women’s rights in the 1970s, and she continues speaking to modern readers today.