
Getting Genetics Done

Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Autor Stephen Turner

Do you submit manuscripts to journals that are not indexed in PubMed? This can make it difficult for others to find your publications, especially if they don't have a subscription to the journal. This often happens with us when we publish in computer science journals. Using the NIH manuscript submission system you can upload your manuscript to PubMed Central, which provides free open access, and is indexed in PubMed.

Autor Stephen Turner

Illumina just unveiled their latest sequencing machine, the HiSeq 2000, capable of sequencing two human genomes to 30x coverage in a single run for less than $10,000 each. Using reversible terminator-based sequencing by synthesis chemistry, the HiSeq 2000 is capable of quickly generating a flood of data: 200 Gb per run, 2 x 100 bp read length, up to 25 Gb per day, two billion paired-end reads/run.

Autor Stephen Turner

It took several months after learning about ggplot2 before I gave it a try myself.  I was apprehensive about learning a new graphics system with a new set of commands.  Thing is, if you've ever used plot() in R, you already know how to use much of the functionality in ggplot2!  In this tutorial I want to show you just how easy it is to start producing high-quality graphics using ggplot2.

Autor Stephen Turner

The 2010 Cancer Biostatistics Workshop seminar series begins next Friday with a workshop by Ayumi Shintani on sample size estimation and power analysis. Here's the entire 2010 workshop schedule. Be sure to check out my previous post on software for power calculations in genetic analysis.

Ggplot2Noteworthy BlogsRBiologiaInglês
Autor Stephen Turner

Learning R blog details some of the new features in the latest update to ggplot2. The latest version includes functions to make it easier to change axis and legend labels, as well as a function to easily set the limits of the plot display outside the range of the data. Be sure to check back next week - I'm putting together a short introductory ggplot2 tutorial.

Autor Stephen Turner

I've covered plyr once before, showing you how to get means and variances for two quantitative traits across multilocus genotypes. JD Long over at Cerebral Mastication recently posted a nice screencast illustrating how plyr "just works" as an alternative to R's family of apply commands.

Autor Stephen Turner

Just discovered this very handy R command to capture the output from a system command as an R object.  I wanted to use R to read in the output from another program (PLINK) and do some processing on each output file. Of course if the files are named sequentially (plink1.out, plink2.out, plink3.out, etc.) this would be simple with a for loop.

Autor Stephen Turner

Do you ever find yourself switching back and forth between your work computer, your laptop, and your home computer?  This happens to me all the time when I'm writing.  Rather than carry all your files on a USB stick and risk losing it or corrupting your data, give Dropbox a try.  It's dead simple, and works for PC, Mac, and Linux too.