
Getting Genetics Done

Getting Things Done in Genetics & Bioinformatics Research
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Recommended ReadingBiologiaInglês
Autor Stephen Turner

Nice review on the genetics of quantitative traits with good figures and references published this morning in Nature Reviews Genetics. Abstract:The genetics of quantitative traits: challenges and prospects (NRG AOP)Getting Genetics Done by Stephen Turner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License.

Autor Stephen Turner

Both useful and delicious, this two-by-two table pie by Sarah Lowry, Sarah McDougal (my 2nd cousin) and friends of the UW MPH program helps you get genetics done and satisfies the appetite! If only she could mail me the Odds Ratio...Getting Genetics Done by Stephen Turner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License.

BioinformaticsRecommended ReadingSequencingBiologiaInglês
Autor Stephen Turner

Bioinformatics is running a special issue on next generation sequencing, featuring lots of papers on alignment, assembly, Chip-Seq, RNA-Seq, and other related topics. This "virtual issue" will be continually updated as more developments are made. From the editors:Bioinformatics: Next generation sequencing issueGetting Genetics Done by Stephen Turner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License.

Journal ClubBiologiaInglês
Autor Stephen Turner

Here are citations for the articles discussed at our most recent meeting (June 24). Our next meeting is scheduled for July 17.~JuliaChoi Y, Wijsman EM, Weir BS. Case-control association testing in the presence of unknown relationships. Genet Epidemiol . 2009 Mar 30. [Epub ahead of print]Gao X, Becker LC, Becker DM, Starmer JD, Province MA. Avoiding the high Bonferroni penalty in genome-wide association studies. Genet Epidemiol .

Autor Stephen Turner

For readers at Vanderbilt: At yesterday's R course I found out that Theresa Scott in the Biostatistics department holds a weekly R clinic and encourages new R users who want to learn more to bring any questions about R, or even your own code and data. The R clinic is held weekly on Thursday from 2:00-3:00 in MCN.

Autor Stephen Turner

Writing from the previously mentioned intro to R course at the Kennedy Center. If you couldn't make it you can download all the course materials from Theresa Scott's website, under the "Current Teaching Material" heading. Here is a direct link to the PDF for the overview materials that we're going over today, along with the R code from the examples in this guide.

Recommended ReadingBiologiaInglês
Autor Stephen Turner

One of the most famous examples of a gene-environment interaction is being scrutinized by evidence from one of the largest meta-analyses on the subject to date. There have been tons of reports claiming or refuting evidence for a statistically significant interaction between a variant in the serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) and stressful life events and their effect on major depression.

Autor Stephen Turner

Hierarchical clustering is a technique for grouping samples/data points into categories and subcategories based on a similarity measure. Being the powerful statistical package it is, R has several routines for doing hierarchical clustering. The basic command for doing HC is Nearly all clustering approaches use a concept of distance.

NewsRRecommended ReadingStatisticsTutorialsBiologiaInglês
Autor Stephen Turner

The New York Times published this interesting article on how the ability to design and perform computer simulations is a highly marketable skill for careers across many disciplines.In methodology development we use simulation nearly every day.