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OA.Works Blog

OA.Works Blog
OA.Works Blog
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Autor OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? Nobel Prize winner Randy Schekman mentioned the Open Access Button in a recent Naked Scientists podcast on how commercial science publishing is flawed. PLOS Biology has launched a new collection called The Promise of Plant Translational Research.

MediumCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Autor OA.Works

Behind the Open Access Button is a team of international student volunteers. Get to know them on Team Button Tuesdays! This week meet Sucheta, one of our secretaries, and Joseph, our Press Coordinator. Sucheta Tiwari, Secretary Hi, I’m Sucheta! I’m a new addition to the secretarial team on The Button and am very excited about the future of the project!

MediumCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Autor OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? The European Research Council (ERC) has signed an agreement with Elsevier to encourage ERC-funded researchers to make their findings freely available by open access. This measure will be mandatory for all research funded under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

MediumCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Autor OA.Works

Jisc Summer of Student Innovation We have received 156% of the required votes JISC Summer of Student Innovation, so we are through to the next round to get £5000 in funding! We will use the funding to bring Button 2.0 to mobile devices. Although we have received the required votes, you can continue to vote for our idea and increase the project’s popularity. Turn 30 seconds into £5,000 by voting to bring Button 2.0 mobile.

MediumCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Autor OA.Works

Behind the Open Access Button is a team of international student volunteers. Get to know them on Team Button Tuesdays! This week meet Luke, one of our secretaries, and Jim, one of our Communications Officers. Luke Barnes, Secretary Hello! I’m Luke, one of the newer additions to team button. I was brought on board in April as a Secretary and so far am really enjoying being part of the team that keeps team button organised!

MediumCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Autor OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? OpenCon2014, The Student and Early Researcher Conference on Open Access, Open Education, and Open Data, will be held November 15–17 in Washington, D.C. Scientific American announced that Twitter plans to release all its tweets to scientists. However, researcher Brian Keegan of Northeastern University isn’t getting his hopes up just yet.

MediumCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Autor OA.Works

Behind the Open Access Button is a team of international student volunteers. Get to know them on Team Button Tuesdays! This week meet Chealsye, the Launch Coordinator and Rachael, a Communications Officer. Chealsye Bowley, Launch Coordinator Hi, i’m Chealsye! I’m the Launch Coordinator for the Open Access Button, but I first joined the team as a Communications Officer working on social media.

MediumCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Autor OA.Works

Privacy is a key concern to everyone at the Open Access Button, indeed it has sparked a lot of fears and debate within the team from day one. In that sense this is a long overdue blog, as we’re yet to make several simple decisions and safeguards clear.

MediumCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Autor OA.Works

What has been happening in the world of Open Access in the last week? As you know if you’ve been reading this blog, the Open Access Button team is hard at work on Button 2.0! We’re participating in the Jisc Summer of Student Innovation to fund development for a Button 2.0 mobile app. Ideas with enough votes will be considered for funding of £5,000. Vote here and tell your friends to vote too!

MediumCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês
Autor OA.Works

Behind the Open Access Button is a team of international student volunteers. Get to know them on Team Button Tuesdays! This week we have Joe, one of the Open Access Button Co-Leads, and Margaux, our Communications Officer. Joe McArthur, Open Access Button Co-Lead I came to university with a mission to make people healthier and a love of the scientific method.