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OpenCitations blog
The blog of the OpenCitations Infrastructure
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I am very pleased to announce that last year Ian Bannerman, Managing Director for Journals at Taylor & Francis, confirmed this publisher’s willingness to pilot the opening of the reference lists from articles in 29 of their subscription access journals, as well as from all of their current list of 15 Open Access journals, for inclusion in the Open Citations Corpus.

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JATS, the Journal Article Tag Suite, defines a vocabulary of XML elements and attributes used to describe the content and metadata of journal articles.  As described in the previous post, we have mapped the metadata elements of the JATS Journal Publishing Tag Set to RDF, so that publishers’ XML article metadata encoded using JATS might become part of the web of linked data.

Semantic PublishingDocument MarkupJATSMachine-readable MetadataNLM DTDOutras ciências sociaisInglês

JATS, the Journal Article Tag Suite, defines a vocabulary of XML elements and attributes used to describe the content and metadata of journal articles.  In this post, I describe the mapping of JATS to RDF, so that publishers’ XML article metadata encoded using JATS might become part of the web of linked data.

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DataCite is an international organization responsible for the DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) issued for research datasets.  For each DOI issued, DataCite requires the data publisher to create and submit to DataCite descriptive metadata that can aid resource discovery.

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The purpose of mapping DataCite metadata elements to ontology terms is to enable DataCite metadata to be published in RDF as Open Linked Data, enabling these metadata to be understood programmatically and integrated automatically with similar data from elsewhere.

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In a previous blog post, I described the work that Silvio Peroni and I undertook in May 2011 to map the main terms from the DataCite Metadata Kernel v2.0 to RDF. To enable that, we created a ‘proto-ontology’, the DataCite Ontology version 0.2, that contained just the following four object properties:

JISCOpen CitationsSemantic PublishingCitation DataCrossrefOutras ciências sociaisInglês

I am pleased to announce that the JISC have funded an extension to the Open Citations Project to run from 1st August 2012 until 31st January 2013, during which we will review and revise the technology used to create the Open Citations Corpus, will update the content provided by PubMed Central, and will improve its presentation.

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Autor Silvio Peroni

A ‘like’ button is a well-known feature in communication software such as social networking services, Internet forums, news websites and blogs that permits a user to indicate that he/she likes, enjoys or supports certain content.

JISCOpen CitationsSemantic PublishingCitation DataJiscexpoOutras ciências sociaisInglês

I am delighted to announce that Cathy Kennedy , OUP’s Senior Publisher for Journals, has just written to me as follows: “Oxford University Press is delighted to support the Open Citation Corpus initiative in the interest of furthering and disseminating scholarship.

JISCOpen CitationsSemantic PublishingCitationCitation DataOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Given the renewed interest among publishers in the Open Citations Corpus, following the decisions by Nature Publishing Group, publisher of Nature , and by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, publisher of Science , to open their citation data for inclusion in the corpus, I thought it would be helpful to provide links to videos of two conference presentations I gave that describe the Open Citations Corpus in

JISCOpen CitationsSemantic PublishingAAASCitation DataOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Hot on the heels of my announcement on Monday that Nature Publishing Group has agreed to open its articles’ reference lists, I am delighted to announce that Science Magazine , the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s premier global science weekly, together with the other AAAS journals Science Signalling and Science Translational Medicine , will also open their articles’ reference lists, and contribute