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r-dcm blog

r-dcm blog
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PackageMeasrCiências SociaisInglês
Autor Jake Thompson

I am thrilled to announce the release of measr 1.0.0. The goal of measr is to provide a user-friendly interface for estimating and evaluating diagnostic classification models (DCMs; also called cognitive diagnostic models [CDMs]). This is a major release to mark the conclusion of the initial development work that was funded by the Institute of Education Sciences. Importantly, this does not mean that measr is going dormant!

PackageMeasrCiências SociaisInglês
Autor Jake Thompson

I’m stoked to announce the release of measr 0.3.1. The goal of measr is to provide applied researchers and psychometricians with a user friendly interface for estimating and evaluating diagnostic classification models (DCMs). This update is a minor release to introduce a couple of enhancements to model and prior specifications.

PackageMeasrCiências SociaisInglês
Autor Jake Thompson

We’re excited to announce the release of measr 0.2.1. The goal of measr is to provide applied researchers and psychometricians with a user friendly interface for estimating and evaluating diagnostic classification models (DCMs). DCMs are a class of psychometric models that provide classification of students into profiles of proficiency on a predefined set of knowledge, skills, or understandings.