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ScholCommAPCsArticle Processing ChargesOpen AccessOutras ciências sociaisAlemão

APC-Verwaltung in Bibliotheken Am 31.05. halte ich einen Vortrag beim diesjährigen Bibliothekskongress, und zwar in der öffentlichen Sitzung der dbv-Kommission Erwerbung und Bestandsentwicklung.

InfrastructurePersistent IdentifierPID LandscapeOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Pablo de Castro (University of Strathclyde), Laura Rothfritz, research assistant and PhD candidate at the Berlin School of Library and Information Science at Humboldt University Berlin, Joachim Schöpfel (Université de Lille) and I will do a study on Risks and Trust in pursuit of a well functioning Persistent Identifier infrastructure for research commissioned by Knowledge Exchange (KE). The project aims to identify the best possible strategic

ScholCommOutras ciências sociaisAlemão

Unter dem Titel “Kalibrierung der Wissenschaft – wohin führt uns die Digitalisierung?” veranstaltet das Internationale Zentrum für Kultur- und Technikforschung (IZKT) in Stuttgart eine virtuelle Podiumsdiskussion zur datengetriebenen Wissenschaftssteuerung, an der auch ich teilnehme wegen meiner Publikationen zu Datenkapitalismus in der Wissenschaft. Die Veranstaltung startet morgen um 18:00 Uhr und endet um 20:00 Uhr.

LibrariesOutras ciências sociaisAlemão

Letzte Woche bin ich auf eine Analyse gestoßen, die ich im Winter 2019 durchgeführt habe und deren Ergebnisse ich hier gerne teilen möchte. Ziel meiner Studie war es, herauszufinden, welche Tätigkeitsbereiche oder Dienstleistungen in einer bibliothekswissenschaftlichen Fachpublikation aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum thematisiert werden.

ScholCommFrontiersGermanyGold Open AccessOpen Access TransformationOutras ciências sociaisInglês

No agreement with Frontiers in Germany As Bernhard Mittermaier, head of the central library of the Forschungszentrum Jülich, announced yesterday, there will be no agreement with Frontiers in Germany. The negotiations between the Forschungszentrum Jülich and the Open Access Publisher Frontiers on a nationwide framework contract did not succeed.

ScholCommScientific MisconductOutras ciências sociaisInglês

A few weeks ago an interview that I did with Frank Müller was published in the online magazine telepolis. It has the title Wissenschaftliches Fehlverhalten – von der Randerscheinung zum Flächenbrand (in English: S cientific misconduct – from marginal phenomenon to wildfire ). Frank Müller has been gathering questionable scientific publications from the natural and material sciences for years.

ScholCommElsevierGermanyOpen AccessOpen Access TransformationOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Christian Gutknecht published an exciting posting on the Swiss EUR 57 million Elsevier deal in which he outlines the transformative Open Access agreement between Elsevier and swissuniversities. Since Germany has been trying for years to reach such a contract with Elsevier, it is worth comparing it with the two transformative contracts with Wiley and Springer Nature in Germany, which were reached and coordinated by Project DEAL.

ScholCommHumanitiesMultidisciplinaryRankingsRatingsOutras ciências sociaisInglês

While preparing a workshop I was looking for journal ratings & rankings in the Social Sciences & Humanities and would like to share my information here. At the same time, I would like to encourage readers to make additions to the comments. Social Sciences: Journal ratings & rankings GESIS List (Mostly German):

ScholCommLeonid SchneiderPaper MillsWissenschaftliches PublizierenOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Heute erschien mein Interview mit Leonid Schneider über Paper Mills, die gegen Geld scheinwissenschaftliche Publikationen inklusive gefälschter Forschungsdaten erstellen und so das Publikationssystem korrumpieren. Diese Publikationen schaffen es in schöner Regelmäßigkeit in Peer-Review-geprüfte Journale. Betroffen sind aber nicht vorrangig die bekannten Predatory Publishers, sondern anerkannte Journale arrivierter Verlage.

ScholCommOpen AccessOpen Access HeatmapOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Just as 2016, 2015 and 2014 I produced an Open Access Heatmap 2020. It shows how many Open Access journals are published per country using data provided by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). The heatmap can be found here or embedded some lines below.