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nnElsevier’s shopping tour continues. Readers of my blog know that in April I published a provisional and incomplete list of services that are owned by Elsevier. Since then Elsevier launched the Preprint-Server BioRN, based on the infrastructure of the Social Science Research Network SSRN (purchased last year).  Yesterday the Dutch publishers announced the acquisition of bepress.

ScholCommOutras ciências sociaisInglês

nnOn August 1, 2017, 9,621 journals were listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ).Only 32 publishers published more than 20 of these journals and thus have a quantitatively significant influence on Open Access. PLOS can not be found among them, but still has influence – more qualitative than quantitative.nnThese 32 publishers publish 2,950 journals, which are 31% of all journals listed in the DOAJ.nnAt this date, the DOAJ

ScholCommOutras ciências sociaisAlemão

Der Wissenschaftsverlag Elsevier wird sich bereits seit längerer Zeit nicht mehr mit wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken über tragfähige finanzielle Konditionen zum Bezug von Elseviertiteln einig. Die Konflikte in zahlreichen Ländern, darunter neben anderen auch Deutschland und Finnland, schwelen.nnForscher in Finnland haben nun einen neuen Elsevierboykott gestartet.

ScholCommOutras ciências sociaisInglês

nnTwo days ago Clarivate Analytics announced a partnership with Impactstory to make Open access content easier for researchers to use. Clarivate operates the citation database Web of Science and plans to support the development of Impactstory’s oaDOI-service.nnThis service identifies 90 million Open Access articles, particularly important is its integration into unpaywall.org.

ScholCommOutras ciências sociaisInglês

nnThe American Psychological Association (APA) announced a pilot project “to monitor and seek removal of unauthorized online postings of APA journal articles”. According to SHERPA/RoMEO the APA is a green publisher that allows to post articles published in its journals under the following conditions:nn Authors’ pre-print on a web-site Authors’ pre-print must be labeled with date and accompanied with statement that paper has not (yet) been

ScholCommOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Readers of my blog know that some weeks ago I last asked the community for information on services that are owned by Elsevier. I needed the information to prepare a talk on data collection on science and event logging in science. I will soon publish my talk, together with a resume. As suggested in my talk, Elsevier uses the technology of the

ScholCommOutras ciências sociaisInglês

nn<span title=“Elseviers Einkaufbummel (man erwarb u.a. PLUM Analytics) kontert Clarivate Analytics durch den Kauf von publons.nn”>Elsevier’s shopping spree (including the newest acquisition PLUM Analytics) is countered by Clarivate Analytics’ purchase of publons.nnBoth companies are already competing because they keep the two most important citation and impact databases in their portfolios with Scopus (owned by Elsevier) and the Web of

ScholCommOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Dear readers of my blog: Today I do not want to write about scientific publishing or share my thoughts on it with you. Rather, I need your help! nnI want to create a list of the services Elsevier created or acquired. So far I know of theses services:nn the publishing house databases (eg. Scopus, Science Direct) a repository