Ciências da Terra e do AmbienteInglê

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

SV-POW! ... All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
Pagina inicialFeed AtomISSN 3033-3695
Anatomical PreparationsGratuitous BadasseryNervous SystemPeople We LikeStinkin' HeadsCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês

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Photo PostsPhotographyStinkin' MammalsCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês

Years ago, the roof of our summer-house suffered some water damage and had to be replaced. So I converted it into a woodshed which I attached to the side of our house. As well the store for our firewood logs, it’s also where I keep many of my decomposing corpses — most of them in boxes and bags, a few of them not.

Anatomical PreparationsDissectionEverything's Better Blown ApartMuseumsNHM WienCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês

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CaudalCTHaplocanthosaurusTimelyCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês

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Open AuthoringShiny Digital FutureThe ArchbishopCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês

I know, I know — you never believed this day would come. And who could blame you? Nearly thirteen years after my 2005 SVPCA talk Sweet Seventy-Five and Never Been Kissed , I am finally kicking the Archbishop descriptive work into gear. And I’m doing it in the open!

ArgentinosaurusHelp SV-POW!MathPoopCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês

I got an email a couple of days ago from Maija Karala, asking me a question I’d not come across before (among several other questions): how much poop did Argentinosaurus produce in a day? I don’t recall this question having been addressed in the literature, though if anyone knows different please shout. Having thought about it a little, I sent the following really really vague and hand-wavy response.

Nervous SystemNeural CanalOstrichStinkin' TheropodsCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês

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Peer ReviewRantsCiências da Terra e do AmbienteInglês

It’s common to come across abstracts like this one, from an interesting paper on how a paper’s revision history influences how often it gets cited (Rigby, Cox and Julian 2018): This tells us that a larger number of revisions leads to (or at least is correlated with) an increased citation-count. Interesting! Immediately, I have two questions, and I bet you do, too: 1. What is the size of the effect?