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BJPS Review Of Books

BJPS Review Of Books
British Society for the Philosophy of Science
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BJPS Review Of BooksFilosofia, ética e estudos religiososInglês
Autor Mariam Thalos

Home Levels of Organization in the Biological Sciences Daniel S Brooks, James DiFrisco & William C Wimsatt Reviewed by Mariam Thalos Levels of Organization in the Biological Sciences Daniel S. Brooks, James DiFrisco, and William C. Wimsatt ( eds ) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2021, £56.00 ISBN 978-0262045339 There is a massive amount of philosophical content in this dense volume of fifteen new pieces plus introduction.

BJPS Review Of BooksFilosofia, ética e estudos religiososInglês
Autor Francesco Nappo

Home Reflections on the Practice of Physics Giora Hon and Bernard R Goldstein Reviewed by Francesco Nappo Reflections on the Practice of Physics: James Clerk Maxwell’s Methodological Odyssey in Electromagnetism Giora Hon and Bernard R. Goldstein London: Routledge, 2021, £120 / £36.99 ISBN 9780367367282 / 9781032174068 Philosophy of physics cannot be carried out considerately without a sense of the history and practice of

BJPS Review Of BooksFilosofia, ética e estudos religiososInglês
Autor Steven French

Home A Minimal Metaphysics for Scientific Practice Andreas Hüttemann Reviewed by Steven French A Minimal Metaphysics for Scientific Practice Andreas Hüttemann Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021, £75.00 ISBN 9781316519394 Unpacking the title of this book, Hüttemann’s aim is to establish a metaphysics for scientific practice in the sense of ‘making explicit assumptions concerning the structure of reality that best