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Project THOR

Project THOR
Technical and Human infrastructure for Open Research.
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Ciências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês

On October 13, we held a webinar for our ambassadors to update them on recent THOR activities. Tom Demeranville explained more about ORCID integrations at the THOR disciplinary partners, ORCID Work Identifier types and other recent technological developments, such as Datacite’s Event Data and ORCID Auto Update. A preview of what THOR is planning for the remainder of 2016 and in 2017 was given by Josh Brown.

ConferencesCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês

The last week of September 2016, several THOR partners headed to the city of churches, Krakow, to participate in the Digital Infrastructures for Research conference (DI4R). DI4R was an event organised by Europe’s leading e-infrastructures, EGI, EUDAT, GÉANT, OpenAIRE and the Research Data Alliance (RDA) Europe, in which researchers, developers and service providers brainstormed and discussed adoption of digital infrastructure services and

Ciências da Computação e da InformaçãoEspanhol

Bootcamp the THOR en Madrid(Spanish version below) Want to learn more about Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) and how to harness their potential to advance your work? THOR is launching its first Bootcamp in Madrid at UC3M on 17-18 November. We will look at topics like PID service integration, research data management, and research output compliance/ impact tracking – bring your questions and let’s crack them together.

Ciências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês

The International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) is an annual get together exploring all-things thesis and PhD research. I was there to present a poster on how THOR is developing improved support for identifiers in the British Library’s thesis service, EThOS.

Ciências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês

CERN is a hub for all things High-Energy Physics (or HEP for short). Nearly all researchers in the HEP field make CERN their home for all or part of their research careers. Most of these researchers maintain separate university affiliations as well, making the CERN research community a distributed decentralized global network.

Ciências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês

This is the first in a series of posts describing how THOR partners have recently integrated ORCID in their disciplinary data repositories. This post describes ORCID integration in PANGAEA, the Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science. PANGAEA is rolling out a new version of its website. Developers and designers are currently ironing out a few remaining open issues. The release is expected for autumn 2016.

Ciências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês

It has been a year since THOR launched in June 2015 and a natural time to take stock of what the project has achieved and some of the ways that our understanding has matured. In the THOR vision, persistent identifiers are the default. They are the new normal. And they are interlinked and embedded in the services that researchers use every day.