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Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Bastian Greshake Tzovaras is an open/citizen science activist and researcher with a background in biology and bioinformatics. He worked as a senior researcher at The Alan Turing Institute and Inserm. In 2011, he founded openSNP. He was awarded a PhD in Bioinformatics in 2018. In 2017 he joined the Open Humans Foundation as the Director of Research.
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Open-humansOutras ciências sociaisInglês

President Bartlet of The West Wing is calling his famous “What’s next” to his secretary after managing a task. I just defended my PhD last week, and one question from virtually every person who attended and stayed for the after-party: What’s Next? Which initially felt a bit weird. After all, I already took my next step three months ago when I joined Open Humans as the Director of Research.

Open-humansOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Exactly 5 years ago Twitter started offering the option for users to download their full archive of personal tweets. The archive gives you a change to quickly browse through your personal history and find those funny cat pictures you once posted. But there is additional value in the archive, transcending the trips down to memory lane.

Open-humansOutras ciências sociaisInglês

The first month in Berkeley – and with that also with Open Humans – is slowly coming to an end. And while much of this time was spent wrangling various forms of organisational and bureaucratic ordeals (finding an apartment; making sure all visa stuff is in order; getting a Social Security Number;

Phd-writingOutras ciências sociaisInglês

After having had some time to reflect on my writing process I’d like to share some of the things that I found useful during the writing of my PhD thesis. There’s probably already a million of these articles out there, but this also means that one more shouldn’t make much of a difference, so here we go. In principle this should all be applicable for other thesis writings as well.

Participatory-scienceOutras ciências sociaisInglês

I am more than delighted to announce that I will join Open Humans . Supported by a fellowship I will assume the role of Director of Research in November. Open Humans as a platform connects individuals who want to participate in research with research studies and projects that can be run by academic and “ citizen ” scientists alike.

DatavizOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Today I finally submitted my PhD thesis (🎉) and what better way to celebrate that day than doing some data analysis and visualization, right? So, let’s get some idea on how much time the actual write-up took after all and how I spent my time during these weeks. Luckily, I’m running RescueTime on my machines. The service allows you to monitor how, when and how long you’re using your computer.

DatascienceOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Being more of a dog-person (or to stay in OkCupid lingo likes dogs, has cats ) I was sad when I saw that the CatterPlots made their rounds on Twitter again this week, as there’s still no dog-centric alternative if you’re an R -faring data visualizer. In order to dry my tears I went over to dog_rates for some binge dog-watching. And then I wondered, aren’t these puppers all getting cuter and cuter?

OpenscienceOutras ciências sociaisInglês

Last week the The Royal Society issued a joint statement about the importance of the international nature of research along with national academies across the UK and Europe. At the same time they started the hashtag #ScienceIsGlobal on Twitter , where individuals reported what nationalities are collaborating in their labs. I, and many others, reported their lab’s composition using the emoji flags.