Postagens de Rogue Scholar

Publicados in BIOgarabatos

He reunido una colección bibliográfica denominada BIOhistoria, contiene literatura académica como libros, capítulos, artículos  e incluso preprints útiles para los cursos de Filosofía e Historia de la Biología del plan de estudios de la carrera de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM 1997. También resulta útil para enseñar o investigar sobre los contenidos de las materias Introducción a las teorías evolutivas e

Publicados in GigaBlog

This week we published a new, high-quality genome sequence of one of Australia’s most iconic animals, the short beaked echidna. The almost gapless genome sequence of this egg-laying mammal helps researchers to track genomic reshuffling events that gave rise to a perplexing  sex determination system. At first glance they may be mistaken for a weird-looking hedgehog.

Publicados in JSC Accelerating Devices Lab

Since early 2022, the Accelerated Devices lab has been involved in the OpenGPT-X project. 1 OpenGPT-X trains large language models to enable new data-driven business solutions and specifically address European needs. As of January 2025, the project has published its main results and is set to wrap up in early 2025.

Publicados in Simply Ecologist
Autor Erzsebet Frey

Top 10 Tallest Wild Animals When we think about the wild and its inhabitants, size often comes to mind as one of the most wondrous aspects. The sheer height of some of these incredible creatures can be mind-boggling. Let’s delve into the fascinating world of the tallest wild animals. Giraffe – Giraffes are the tallest land animals, with males reaching heights of up to 18 feet.

Lab LifeResearchCiências da Computação e da InformaçãoInglês

At last year’s Open-Access-Tage, OA Datenpraxis held a workshop together with the Open Access Monitor at Forschungszentrum Jülich as well as the state-wide Open Access initiatives of Berlin (Open Access Büro Berlin) and Brandenburg (Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle Open Access Brandenburg). The workshop ‘The state and prospects of open access reporting’ outlined different approaches - qualitative and quantitative - to Open Access reporting and

Línguas e LiteraturaInglês
Publicados in Martin Paul Eve

This week, I have started work at Michigan State University, as interim technical lead on the Knowledge Commons project. I'll probably say more about this at some point soon. However, a huge part of onboarding at new digital/software places is getting your head around the stack and trying to get a development environment setup and ready to use.

2024 ReviewEurope PMCMachine LearningOpen AccessOpen DataCiências da saúdeInglês
Publicados in Europe PMC News Blog
Autor Summer Rosonovski

As we enter into 2025, Europe PMC celebrates a previous year of innovation, growth, and user-driven improvements. This end-of-year reflection highlights our key achievements in developing cutting-edge AI solutions for scientific research, advances in open research software, and support for transparency in scholarly communication. Using AI to revolutionise research discovery

Publicados in Math ∩ Programming
Autor Jeremy Kun

I’ll be at the Joint Mathematics Meeting in Seattle (starting tomorrow). If you see me there, say hi! I will have a very light schedule, plenty of time for coffee chats. I’ll be attending many of the crypto sessions for the homomorphic encryption talks. And on Thursday at 3PM, I’ll be at the Code4Math booth in the exhibition hall.