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Blog - Bitfield Consulting
Tutorials, exercises, and articles on programming.
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Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

Freedom is nothing without constraints, and Go’s generics gives us a powerful way to build polymorphic types and functions constrained by type sets . Let’s geek out.

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

What kind of idiot would carry a package for someone when they've absolutely no idea what's inside it? Well, generic types in Go are exactly like that, only in a good way.

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

How do you rescue a legacy codebase that has no tests? Let's look at some techniques for clawing your way back to maintainability, one test at a time.

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

I was a guest on the Cup o’ Go podcast recently, talking with Shay Nehmad and Jonathan Hall about writing and teaching Go. Here’s a transcript of our chat.

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

AES is an amazing, state-of-the-art encryption system, and it’s built right in to Go as part of the standard library. It’s also incredibly easy to use. Let’s see how!

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

Thanks to generics, there are some interesting new ways to program in Go. This article explains how we can use functional programming techniques like Map, Filter, and Reduce, and what kind of problems they might help us to solve.

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

Iterators in Go are a neat way to write “lazy loops”, where we never generate more results than we actually use. Let’s see what that would look like in Go programs, and what new facilities it gives us in the standard library.

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

About BIT The Bitfield Institute of Technology (BIT) is a software engineering school focused on Go and Rust, but the engineering and design skills I teach are applicable to all programming languages. The school offers remote training and certifications in Go and Rust development to students worldwide. How it works The BIT program is delivered online, to suit your schedule.

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

In the final sizzling chapter of my career exposé, we’ll learn how I went from self-unemployment to founding the world’s tiniest publishing empire.

Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Arundel

There are many Rust books, but these are my favourites—and I think you’ll like them too. Here are my reviews of what I think are the truly essential Rust books available today.