Kimya BilimleriİngilizceJekyll


Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
Ana SayfaJSON Besleme
CdkOpenscienceCdk2024Kimya Bilimleriİngilizce

As part of our Dutch Research Council (NWO) Open Science grant, we organized a Chemistry Development Kit User Group Meeting (#CDK25UGM), of which yesterday was the “conference” day, and today a hackathon. I opened the session with a few slides welcoming everyone at Maastricht University (and our Dept of Translational Genomics, and explaining the NWO grant.

IupacCheminfOscarTextminingKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Names of chemicals are part of the human user experience when browsing a chemical database. And literature too, of course. Chemical names are also not easy to use, and what a chemical name means is not always clear. This is why the IUPAC started a standardizing nomenclature in chemistry, the IUPAC names . Each IUPAC name uniquely defines the chemical structure it defines.

WikidataWikipathwaysKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

A good number of years ago, a colleague and I explored if we could get access to the Retraction Watch Database, but we could not afford it. We have been using data on retractions for curate our databases, like WikiPathways. A database should not contain knowledge based on (only) a retracted article. Wikidata, btw, has a small number (499) of statements supported by retracted articles.

BioschemasRdfChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Two weeks ago, the Beilstein Institute announced Bioschemas support in their journals: The idea is far from new and has been around for two decades. But the two Beilstein journals (both diamond Open Access), actually integrated into their active publishing model. That has been trialed and put in action before.

BioinfoKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

With a year of preparation and two years of thinking, on September 1st 2024 the Department of Bioinformatics, aka BiGCaT, merged with two other departments to form the Department of Translational Genomics (see also this LinkedIn announcement). This merger creates many new opportunities while it strenghtens our bioinformatics research.

PublishingKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

I wish I could say I remember the first citation to one of my research articles. I do not. But I do remember the excitement to see why someone was citing my research. What I do remember is that I got a comment around the same time along the lines of this: “why would anyone cite your article if they can download the results for free?” (about open science cheminformatics research). Other times.

Sr24Kimya Bilimleriİngilizce

The last week before the winter break Serious Request took place. We started an action around WikiPathways and we collected 877 euro for the MetaKids Foundation. In total there were 2612 actions, many of which brought in a lot more. We ended up in position 928.

CitoBlogPublishingKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Linkrot is real and digital preservation problematic. One reason why I have started migrating my blog to a more robust platform. That first step gave me version control. This summer my blog was accepted to Rogue Scholar. That gave me DOIs. And an idea.