Kimya BilimleriİngilizceJekyll


Chemblaics (pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses open science and computers to solve problems in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
Ana SayfaJSON Besleme
VirusChemometricsKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Contributions to open data do not have to be large, as long as many people are doing it. The Wikipedia is a good example, and PubChem accepts contributions of small databases too (I think). The result can still be large and rather useful, even scientifically.

BlogRdfTextminingCbKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Because no one picked up my Chemo::Blogs suggestion, I will now officially claim the blog series title. However, unlike the original Bio::Blogs series, I will not summarize interesting blogs, but just spam you with websites I recently marked as toblog on Semantics and Text Mining Evan Prodromou wrote about RDFa vs microformats.

OpensourceCdkKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Recently I discussed JUnit testing from within Eclipse , and blogged at several occasions about it in other situations. I cannot stress enough how useful unit testing is: it adds this extra set of eyeballs to make bugs shallow. And it does that, indeed. Ensuring that you actually test all the code you write, however, is not easy.

CheminfConferenceSemwebKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Just some short quites note about the third day (see day 1 and 2 ). Today’s program of the German Conference on Chemoinformatics started with a presentation by Rzepa about his work on a semantic wiki (DOI:10.1021/ci060139e), which might be online here. (He recorded a podcast, but I have not seen it online yet.) I wish I could see the sources of those wiki pages, to see how that system integrates RDF, but at least Jmol is running fine.

CbInchiKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Chemical Blogspace is up and running fine for some time now. Since the start the number of aggregated blogs increased from 19 to 64 now, of which a number are situated at ChemBlogs which is a site where you can run a blog. Meanwhile, the number of cited papers went up to 186! The JACS is most popular so far, followed by the Angewandte Chemie Int.

BioclipseQsarJavascriptConferenceKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

The Bioclipse Workshop has ended and, for just three days, turned out quite productive. We have first bits of scripting support for JavaScript using Rhino. At this moment the scripting plugin needs to explicit depend on plugins to be able to access their classpath, but we plan to solve that. An example script: // to have short identifiers Array =; String =;

OpenscienceOpensourceBlue-obeliskChemistryCheminfKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

The Blue Obelisk mailing list has seen an interesting discussion on ambiguity in the term ‘open source’, triggered by a study by Beth Ritter Guth. For example, Jean-Claude Bradley performs ‘open source’ science (see his Useful Chemistry blog) who is not opposed to using closed source software, while the Blue Obelisk is about ‘open source’ software.