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CFPCFPs JournalsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar CSTonline

CALL FOR PAPERS  Feminist Media Histories: An International Journal  Special Issue on Gender, Media, and Developmentalism Guest Editors: Dalila Missero & Masha Salazkina With this special issue of Feminist Media Histories we invite contributions that explore the historical role of gender within media production explicitly engaged in developmentalist projects.

BlogsTV DictionaryMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Evelyn Kreutzer

Like many other contributors, I caught the TV Dictionary bug during the pandemic (bad pun intended). Making a short video and following a single idea without the pressures and efforts that go into a “traditional” video essay publication (if there is such a thing) and without the requirements of conventional scholarly-theoretical framing, appealed to me and brought a very welcome sense of play into my work routine.

BlogsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Melissa Beattie

The international co-production Farscape (Syfy 1999-2003; 2004) is perhaps best known for its extensive use of puppets and its (for the time) fairly explicit sexualised content. Shot in Australia with a primarily American writers room for the American Syfy Channel, the series follows American scientist John Crichton (Ben Browder) who is inadvertently thrown into deep space during a test flight.

BlogsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Sarah Lahm

This blog post has been sparked by the exorbitant amount of video recommendations that YouTube has offered up to me during the last few weeks after I finished season 2 of The Bear (Hulu, 2022—). In these various video essays (see list below), content creators talk about why The Bear is such a ‘perfect’ show or why certain episodes of The Bear are ‘perfect’ episodes.

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Yazar Andrew J. Salvati

Author’s note: Today’s Secret Word is […]. Whenever you see the word […] below, in honor of Paul Reubens, scream real loud. I was at WMNJ, Drew University’s student radio station, helping a student prep some new field recorders when the news of Paul Reubens’ death was announced.

BlogsTV DictionaryMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar David Martin-Jones

Creating the video essay on The Good Life for the TV Dictionary – the entry was “see under lifestyle(s)” – was enjoyable. The hardest part was figuring out how to condense so much visually-arresting and often humorous material into a short space of time. Well, that and the way in which the nostalgic pleasures of rewatching this iconic show from the 1970s were often tempered by the realization of the nature of some of the content.

CFPCFPs JournalsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar CSTonline

Queries about this call for papers should be directed to Rebecca Williams ( or Christine Geraghty ( In February 2025, the soap opera EastEnders will celebrate its 40th anniversary. Launching in 1985, the BBC series has long been a staple on British television and remains one of the BBC’s flagship productions.

CFPCFPs JournalsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar CSTonline

Abstracts due 22 Sept 2023 Special Issue of Convergence: The International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies Guest editors: Dr Maura Edmond, Dr Olivia Khoo, Dr Claire Perkins and Dr Verity Trott, from @Gender&MediaLab in the School of Media, Film and Journalism at Monash University, Australia.

BlogsRYAMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Eva Novrup Redvall

Next week The Children’s Media Conference gathers people working with developing, producing and distributing content to children for a three-day programme in Sheffield. The conference is in its 20th edition in 2023, and the varied programme illustrates how all platforms are now in play when thinking about children’s media.

BlogsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Neil Thurman

With the vast array of options of what to watch online, have you ever wondered why you picked that new comedy or that old documentary? Would you have chosen to watch them if they were on terrestrial TV? How much were you nudged to choose them by subtle prompts from the online streaming platforms?