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CST Online
Television Studies Blog
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BlogsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Rebecca Pearce

As it has come to Channel 4 recently, I’d like to talk about Hulu’s The Great (2020-). It’s a bit of an oddball in the current television landscape. The Great fictionalises Catherine the Great’s rise and rule over Imperial Russia; it’s an out-and-out comedy, cramming as many laughs a minute as it can get. The fantastic thing about The Great is that it works with, and even against, history.

BlogsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Andrew Pixley

Here you are. Here’s a cracker. One for the teenagers [1]: This is from The Grinning Man, the New Year 2009 special episode of the comedy-mystery series Jonathan Creek (1997-2016) and it shows the eponymous magic/crime consultant meeting the character who will become his new colleague for his next few cases.

BlogsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Richard Wallis and Christa van Raalte

‘A shortage of properly trained television workers is creating a serious skills gap and threatening to undermine the future business performance of the entire broadcasting sector’.  A quote from a recent ScreenSkills Assessment perhaps? In fact, no.  This was Maggie Brown writing in The Guardian in November 2011.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar CSTonline

Collaborative Creativity in Film and Television Edited by Lucy Brown, Rosamund Davies and Funke Oyebanjo Abstract submission deadline: Friday 7 th October 2022 Film and television are highly collaborative sectors of creative production. They rely not only on the talent and skills of individuals, but on the particular forms of collaborative creativity that emerge from individuals working together.

CFPCFPs ConferencesNovemberMedya ve İletişimFransızca
Yazar CSTonline

DEMOSERIES invites proposals for the International Symposium “What is a good series?” that will take place November 21 and 22, 2022 at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne.

CFPCFPs JournalsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar CSTonline

Submissions for a special issue of IJFMA Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023) are now open “Precarity and the Moving Image” Audiovisual Arts (both in their intra-cinematic elements and through its extra-cinematic contexts) have always been a vehicle to display and discuss precarity, as well as affected by it in their modes of production. The notion of Precarity, however, in itself, is also a very open and problematic concept.

CFPCFPs ConferencesOctoberMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar CSTonline

Conference Convenors: Carmen Gregori-Signes, Claudia Alonso-Recarte, Miguel Fuster-Márquez, Sergio Maruenda-Bataller Secretary: Joaquín Primo-Pacheco We are delighted to announce that the Departament de Filologia Anglesa i Alemanya at the Universitat de València and the Institut Interuniversitari de Llengües Modernes Aplicades de la Comunitat Valenciana (IULMA) will be hosting, on the 19th-21st of October 2022 in Valencia, Spain, the

BlogsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Richard Hewett

When, in years to come, my mind flits back to the 2021/22 academic year, it will not so much be global events (which have, let’s face it, been unremittingly depressing) that I recall. Rather, I will look back on this twelvemonth as a period of departures – and returns.

BBCBlogsMedya ve İletişimİngilizce
Yazar Andrew Pixley

When it comes to television, my wife and I occasionally like to give series second chances. Just because we felt a show stank on its original airing doesn’t mean that we simply caught it at the wrong time for us with where we were in our lives.