Kimya BilimleriİngilizceSubstack

Corin Wagen

Corin Wagen
My personal blog, focusing on issues of chemistry and metascience, unified by trying to answer the question "how can we make science better"?
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Kimya Bilimleriİngilizce

(Previously: 2022, 2023.) #1. Baldassar Castiglione, The Book of the Courier This book gets cited from time to time as a sort of historical guide to "being cool," since the characters spend some time discussing the idea of sprezzatura , basically grace or effortlessness. More interesting to me was the differences between Renaissance conceptions of virtue, character, &

Kimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Much molecular design today can be boiled down to “put the right functional groups in exactly the right places.” In catalysis, proper positioning of functional groups to complement developing charge or engage in other stabilizing non-covalent interactions with the transition state can lead to vast rate accelerations.