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DataCite Blog - DataCite

DataCite Blog - DataCite
Connecting Research, Advancing Knowledge
Ana SayfaAtom Besleme
AuthenticationGlobusBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

Access to some DataCite resources and services requires authentication so that DataCite knows who is making a request. This includes Fabrica, our DOI registration service that requires a member account, but also our integration with ORCID in the Profiles service, where researchers authenticate with us to allow us to send information about content with DataCite DOIs authored by them to their ORCID record.

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Yazar DataCite

Today is Trisha Cruse’s last day at DataCite. There will be many memories, but this being DataCite, we wanted to preserve some of those under a DOI. Below you’ll find some final words from current staff and board members. Goodbye Trisha, you will be missed! DataCite Board Irina Sens Trisha was very important for the founding of DataCite.

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Yazarlar Helena Cousijn, Susanna Sansone, Peter McQuilton

We’re delighted to announce a joint effort between DataCite and FAIRsharing to improve, in collaboration with several leading publishers, the criteria used by journal publishers for the recommendation of research data repositories for the benefit of the broader research community.

AnniversaryBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar DataCite

This is a guest blog post by Adam Farquhar, Deputy President of the DataCite Board. With this blog post, I wanted to let you know that, after a full decade, I will be stepping down from the DataCite Board. I’ve served as President or Deputy President since the day that we founded DataCite in 2009.

MetadataBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

This is a guest blog post written by Ted Habermann. In this blog post, Dr Habermann introduces the MetaDIG project and how the project recommendations can be applied to DataCite metadata. Since Wilkinson et al. (@ introduced the FAIR Principles, discussions and implementation guidelines have been published in almost every possible context.

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Earlier this year, we announced the retirement of our Executive Director, Trisha Cruse. After an extensive search, led by DataCite’s Executive Board, we are proud to announce that Matt Buys will join DataCite as Executive Director beginning October 14, 2019. Matt comes to us from ORCID and brings experience in leading global teams and scaling persistent identifier infrastructure to share information on a global scale.

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As a membership organization, members are at the core of everything we do. Understanding our members and ensuring good 2-way communication is therefore extremely important. Over the last year, we have been working on clarifying and aligning DataCite’s membership model. We believe this will enable us to work with all organizations in the same way and give us more insight into the organizations using our services.

PIDapaloozaBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazarlar Helena Cousijn, Maria Gould, Ginny Hendricks, Alice Meadows

The official countdown to PIDapalooza 2020 begins here! It’s 162 days to go until our flame-lighting opening ceremony at the fabulous Belem Cultural Center in Lisbon, Portugal. Your friendly neighborhood PIDapalooza Planning Committee—Helena Cousijn (DataCite), Maria Gould (CDL), Stephanie Harley (ORCID), Ginny Hendricks (Crossref) and Alice Meadows (ORCID) — are already hard at work making sure it’s the best one so far!

MetadataBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazarlar Robin Dasler, Madeleine de Smaele

The DataCite Metadata Schema is the basis for the metadata you submit to DataCite. It tells you the available fields and structure for your metadata records. Many of our members have told us that they’d really like to be able to include affiliation information in their metadata in a more structured way. The launch of ROR earlier this year provides a great step towards addressing structured capturing of affiliation information.

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As a membership organization we take our community engagement activities very seriously. We jump at the chance to interact with our members, whether it be at conferences, steering group meetings, our general assembly, or during DataCite Open Hours.

Content NegotiationMetadataBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

DOI content negotiation is one of the oldest DataCite services, launched in 2012. Content negotiation makes it easy to fetch DataCite metadata in other metadata formats, for example BibTeX or , or as formatted citation in one of more than 5,000 citation styles.