Beşeri Bilimlerİ

Everything is Connected

Everything is Connected
Ernesto Priego's blog. A personal repository of stuff.
Ana SayfaAtom Besleme
ScrapsBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yazar Ernesto Priego

Creating Comics, Creative Comics 2020 Monday 6th April. 0930-1030CA B414 Studio Theatre. Registration andWelcome . 1030–Keynote.Dr.Sarah Lightman. Building Bridges: Art, Life and Comics . 1130– ComicsCreation Alexander James Pollard –The Precognitive Painting Programme.

PublicationsBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yazar Ernesto Priego

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Uncollected PoemsBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yazar Ernesto Priego

I t was the morning after the night we were forced to say good-bye you and your kind, too, are neighbours often walking the road home on weekday evenings after work. Those nights you and yours, unfazed, silent and determined, blending with brick and park remind us of the great woods this all once was.

ScrapsBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yazar Ernesto Priego

T oday is, sadly, that day. Words failed, so I tried to express a few things with other people’s music. Noise, crackle and pop are intentional. A big thank you to all the artists whose music is included in this session. Support musicians; buy their music.

ScrapsBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yazar Ernesto Priego

tl;dr T witter is no longer niche as it once was. How has my thinking changed in relation to Twitter use by academics? In this post I bullet-point some ideas that can be taken if desired as tips or strategies by those academic colleagues who are new to Twitter. You can scroll down and skim if you want.

NewsBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yazar Ernesto Priego

I am delighted my paper for the Creating Comics, Creative Comics 2020- BEYOND Symposium at the University of South Wales: Cardiff Campus (Monday 6th – Tuesday 7th April 2020) has been accepted. I am looking forward to participating. Below I share a slightly revised version my abstract.

ScrapsBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yazar Ernesto Priego

[January 2021 update: I published this post on 22 January 2020; the activity was designed for a ‘f2f’ classroom setting- the activity will require adapting for online delivery in 2021]. T his term I am leading a “supermodule” (undergraduate and postgraduate students combined) on User-Centred Systems Design. We had our first session on Monday morning first thing.

ScrapsBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yazar Ernesto Priego

“…for more than thirty years my happiest dreams have been of second-hand bookshops…” -Graham Greene, 1973, in Reflections , 1991 O ne of my favourite things of London is its second-hand shops.

ScrapsBeşeri Bilimlerİngilizce
Yazar Ernesto Priego

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