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Economics from the Top Down

Economics from the Top Down
New ideas in economics and the social sciences
Ana SayfaAtom Besleme
Open ScienceResearch StoriesBookdownCapital As PowerEkonomi ve İşletmeİngilizce
Yazar Blair Fix

Exciting news! Capital as Power — the seminal text written by Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler — is now available for free as both an epub and online book. Full disclosure: the typesetter was yours truly. What’s Capital as Power ? And why did I make a free ebook version? Read on to find out. You must unlearn what you have learned 1 I don’t talk much on this blog about my personal journey.

EnergyHuman WelfareLife ExpectancyResidual AnalysisThe Good LifeEkonomi ve İşletmeİngilizce
Yazar Blair Fix

Here are 10 countries that are beating the energy-life expectancy trend and 10 countries that are falling behind.

ModelsMoneyAdministered PricesCapital As PowerDifferential InflationEkonomi ve İşletmeİngilizce
Yazar Blair Fix

In a new video, Jonathan Nitzan demolishes the neoclassical theory of prices. Here’s a summary and some consequences.

HierarchyMoneyDebtGovernment SpendingMMTEkonomi ve İşletmeİngilizce
Yazar Blair Fix

I’ve always been baffled why ‘modern monetary theory’ is called a theory . I don’t mean this in a disparaging way. As far as theories of money go, I think modern monetary theory (MMT for short) is the correct one. But having a correct theory of money is a bit like having a correct theory of traffic lights. Traffic lights (like money) are a social convention.