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OA.Works Blog

OA.Works Blog
OA.Works Blog
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Yazar OA.Works

For three of the past four years we’ve had the honor of speaking to the Forum for Interlending in the UK about our work on integrating Open Access into Interlibrary Loan. This year, RSCVD (powered by InstantILL) took centre stage as it filled over 5000 ILL requests in the UK during COVID. Even if you couldn’t make the talk, the slides alone should provide a helpful update on RSCVD and some of our broader efforts around OA in ILL.

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Yazar OA.Works helps you understand how you can make your work Open Access and comply with Plan S for your personal combination of publishing venue, affiliation, and funder. It’s released in beta today, and we’d love your feedback! One important part of this is finding out if you can self-archive your work, which is where we’re proud to say Permissions comes in. More on that here.

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Yazar OA.Works

We’re thrilled to announce that Arcadia, a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, has generously committed to continue its support of our work with a four-year, $1,870,000 grant.

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Yazar OA.Works

It’s a big day for us, Jake Orlowitz is joining the project to help us grow awareness and usage of our tools while deepening our relationship with the library community. Jake has been prolific as a builder, strategist, and author working to advance Open Access, in partnership with libraries.

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Yazar OA.Works

In April we shared the incredible response we’d seen in RSCVD’s first week supporting resource sharing for those affected by COVID-19 having built and launched it in partnership with IFLA. Today, we’re reposting an update from IFLA’s blog as the service has gone from strength to strength, and transitions into becoming not an emergency response, but long term

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Yazar OA.Works

We’re incredibly proud that one of our tiny team, Natalia Norori, has been profiled by Forbes as a young leader for her work with us and her project Health Data Sharing Is Caring. We’ve been lucky to work with Natalia for years to lead implementation of our request system and self-archiving work, including

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Yazar OA.Works

This isn’t a post about what we’re doing in response to COVID-19. Instead, we’re sharing how we planned to respond as an act of transparency to our community. It’s also an opportunity to get feedback, and we hope that it’s something that others can use to guide their thinking.

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Yazar OA.Works

After an extensive competitive search, we’re proud to announce that cOAlition S, an international consortium of research funders working towards making full and immediate Open Access a reality, has chosen Permissions to supply self-archiving policy data for their new Plan S Journal Checker Tool. Permissions is our new open source automated permissions checking system.