Mühendislik ve TeknolojiİngilizceWordPress


A personal lab notebook
Ana SayfaAtom Besleme
Joshua TreeMusicWikipediaAppleApple ParkMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Any list of 100 best anything is going to be riddled with biases, flaws and omissions, but here’s a list of albums you might enjoy listening to from 100best.music.apple.com. I’ve posted them here because my family are listening to three albums a week throughout 2025, and discussing them as we go. The albums are listed in reverse order of “greatness“ below, as we’re starting from the top.

EducationSocial Mobility93%ATFQBanterMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Have you ever been asked WHAT SCHOOL DID YOU GO TO? I was once asked this in a high-stakes job interview and my answer was that of a startled rabbit caught in the headlights before becoming squashed roadkill on the highway to hell. Nobody has asked me that question before or since. How can such a simple question be so difficult to answer?

EducationEngineeringTeachingTechnologyAlice PăcuraruMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

How can we get better at listening to student voices to improve teaching and learning in our Universities? This post summarises a talk I gave at the inaugural ITL Teaching & Learning conference at the Pendulum Hotel in Manchester on July 6th 2023 tackling this question.

ConferencesEducationApril McMahonJudy WilliamsMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Last week I attended the first Teaching and Learning conference in the Pendulum hotel, Manchester. It was really good and I got lots out of it. The sessions I attended were enjoyable and well organised, I learned heaps, made lots of new contacts and got some useful questions from the audience on my lightning talk about podcasting the student voice.

EngineeringOpen AccessPublishingBookdownChristophe DervieuxMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

There’s a community of people here who use the R language to get stuff done known as the R Usergroup Manchester (RUM). We meet monthly to learn from each other. At the last meetup on 29th June, I gave a joint talk with Stavrina Dimosthenous about quarto.org and its predecessor bookdown.org. Following Stravrina’s quick introduction to Quarto, I gave a lightning talk about some of the pros and cons of using bookdown to write books.

SigcseAsciidocBookdownDiveintosystemsKevin C. WebbMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

The textbook has long been a mainstay of education. Although online textbooks can give students easy (and sometimes free) access to increasingly interactive resources, authors have a bewildering array of tools and publishing models to select from.

SigcseChatGPTOpenAIPythonMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Maybe you wrote that code and maybe you didn’t. If Artificial Intelligence helped you, such as the OpenAI Codex in GitHub Copilot, how did it solve your problem? How much did AI help or hinder your solution? Join us to discuss a paper by Michel Wermelinger from the Open University published in the SIGCSE technical symposium earlier this month in Toronto on this very topic.

EducationDiana KirbyElizabeth ColeKeith QuilleNicola LookerMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Computing is widely taught in schools in the UK and Ireland, but how does the subject vary across primary and secondary education in Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland? Join us to discuss via a paper published at UKICER.com by Sue Sentance, Diana Kirby, Keith Quille, Elizabeth Cole, Tom Crick and Nicola Looker.

EngineeringSigcseAlexandra-Lucia CostacheBlueJJavaMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Java is widely used as a teaching language in Universities around the world, but what wider problems does it present for novice programmers? Join us to discuss via a paper published in TOCE by Neil Brown, Pierre Weill-Tessier, Maksymilian Sekula, Alexandra-Lucia Costache and Michael Kölling.