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A personal lab notebook
Ana SayfaAtom Besleme
CommunicationAlice In WonderlandBbsrcBiodiversityCambridgeMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Madder than the Mad March Hare, more entertaining and surreal than Alice down-a-rabbit-hole in Wonderland: today marks the start of this years Cambridge Science festival: A team of scientists and engineers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and The EBI will be participating, on Saturday 13th March with a session on DNA, diversity and you and also tackling the thorny issue of Who Owns Science? on Friday 19th March.

ChEBIEntity Of The MonthGherkinHamstersIgnobelMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Release 66 of Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) is now available, containing 534,521 total entities, of which 20,151 are annotated entities and 698 were submitted via the ChEBI submission tool. This months entity of the month is Viagra, also known as Sildenafil citrate: (Text below reproduced from ChEBI website) * or as wikipedia puts it…”Viagra aids jet lag recovery in hamsters” …that’s an interesting side effect.

ChEBIProgrammingTechnologyApacheApache MavenMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

One of the many tools we use in our team to manage the development of the ChEBI software is an automated build tool called Apache Maven. Opinions are often divided on whether Maven is a good or a bad thing. Most of them are very subjective, argumentative and often very extended. See why does Maven have such a bad reputation? and 25 things* I hate about Maven for examples.

ChEBIPublishingAlexander YuBio-ontologyBlogging A BookMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

If you wanted to write a guide to Biomedical and Biological Ontologies [1], especially the what , why , when , how , where and who , there are at least three choices for publishing your work: Journal publishing in your favourite scientific journal. Book publishing with your favourite academic or technical publisher.

ChEBIBio2RDFBiocatalogueFrançois BelleauLinked DataMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Michel Dumontier was visiting the EBI this week, here’s the details of his seminar Bio2RDF and Beyond! Large Scale, Distributed Biological Knowledge Discovery (slides embedded below) for anyone interested who missed it: Some quick notes: Bio2RDF is currently indexing around 5 billion triples , and is built with the open source Virtuoso database.

ChEBIABAAbscisic AcidAbscissionCarotenoidMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Happy New Year from the ChEBI team where release 64 is now available, containing 534,142 total entities, of which 19,645 are annotated entities and 693 were submitted via the ChEBI submission tool. This month’s entity of the month is Abscisic acid. References Ohkuma, K., Lyon, J., Addicott, F., &

Seminars300 Million Year WarBotanyChristmas LecturesHerbivoryMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

If you weren’t able to attend this years Christmas lectures in person, they are being televised tonight in the UK on More4 from 7pm. This year, they are given by Professor Sue Hartley [1] (pictured right) from the University of Sussex. Here is some blurb on the series from the Royal Institution called “The 300 million year war“. So if you’re festively feasting this holiday, those brussel sprouts, carrots, potatoes won’t look so innocent now.

InformaticsAdrenalinAdrenalineCatecholamineChEBIMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

December’s entity of the month at ChEBI is Adrenaline, for all the adrenaline junkies out there. This accompanies ChEBI release 63, containing 536,978 total entities, of which 19,501 are annotated entities and 678 were submitted via the ChEBI submission tool. Text reproduced below from the ChEBI website: References Abel, J.J. (1899) Ueber den blutdruckerregenden Bestandtheil der Nebenniere, das Epinephrin. Z. Physiol.