Mühendislik ve TeknolojiİngilizceWordPress


A personal lab notebook
Ana SayfaAtom Besleme
Big QuestionsApollo 11DadJet Propulsion LaboratoryJim LonguskiMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Today, the 20th July 2009, is the 40th anniversary of the first lunar landing. There has been plenty of global coverage, stargazing, astronautical analysis and heavenly commentary recently. But for me personally, the Apollo 11 anniversary brings back fond memories of rocket science lessons [1] – specifically, the things I learned in Chemistry at school.

ConferencesBen FryBob MetcalfeChris DiBonaDavid ColquhounMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

The fourth International Science Foo Camp (scifoo) 2009 has just concluded. Here are some very brief and incomplete notes and links from some of the sessions on the second day (Saturday), see the scholarly kitchen for a report on the first day.

LyricalCaliforniaCalifornia Googlin'California GooglingGoogleMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

So, I’m going to San Francisco and on to the Googleplex in the heart of Silly Valley, California for Science Foo Camp (scifoo) 2009. As I put the Flowers In My Hair (what’s left of it) and confirm my booking at the Hotel California I’m not just California Dreamin’ but California Googlin’. Just how many American and Californian musical clichés it is possible to cram into one blog post and accompanying iPod playlist?

WebBanksyBristolCCTVGraffitiMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Graffiti artist or blogger? So I was passing through Bristol the other day, a fine city that has given the world many things. Perhaps one of the best known (apart from the trip-hop and slavery) is the renegade graffiti artist called Banksy who during July and August has an exhibition of work on at the Bristol City Museum and Art Gallery.

BiocreativeFabio RinaldiNactemOntoGeneMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Fabio Rinaldi is currently visiting Manchester from the University of Zurich, he will be doing a seminar on Monday 6th July, the details of which are below. References Rinaldi, F., Kappeler, T., Kaljurand, K., Schneider, G., Klenner, M., Clematide, S., Hess, M., von Allmen, J., Parisot, P., Romacker, M., &

Data MiningInformaticsPublishingAbhishek TiwariAlan FershtMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

[This post is part of an ongoing series about impact factors] The latest results from the annual impact factor boxing world championship contest are out. This is a combat sport where scientific journals are scored according to their supposed influence and impact in Science.

ConferencesAlzforumAlzheimer's DiseaseBioinformaticsControlled VocabularyMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

A brief report (well just some scribbled notes, bullet points and links really) on the third and final day of Network Applications and Tools in Biology (NETTAB) 2009 in Catania, Sicily. There was a special section on Methods and Tools for RNA Structure and Functional Analysis . Disclaimer: RNA mania isn’t really my thing – so the RNA presentations and papers are grossly under-represented in this mini-report (sorry).

ConferencesInformaticsAlex BatemanCitation BotDietlind GerloffMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

This is a  brief report and some links from the second day of Network Applications and Tools in Biology (NETTAB 2009) in Catania, Sicily. There were two keynotes on the RNA WikiProject [1] by Alex Bateman and myExperiment [2] (by me) as as well as presentations by (I think but I wasn’t concentrating enough) Dietlind Gerloff, Guiliano Armano, Frédéric Cadier and Leandro Ciuffo.

ConferencesFootballAlessandro LaganaAlfredo FerroAlfredo PulvirentiMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

A brief wiki-report and some wiki-links from the first short and introductory day of Network Applications and Tools in Biology (NETTAB 2009) in Sicily where there was a tutorial on Technologies of wiki resources and bio-wikis delivered by Paolo Romano and Elda Rossi.