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A personal lab notebook
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InformaticsAmphetamineChEBICherryEbiMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

With sincere apologies to Jamaican reggae singer-songwriter Eric Donaldson, “ChEBI, Oh ChEBI, Oh Baby, don’t you know I’m in need of thee”? Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) is a dictionary, controlled vocabulary, database, ontology of small (low molecular-weight) chemical entities that are considered to be biologically interesting, (like amphetamine (CHEBI:2679) for example). After a couple of recent meetings, ChEBI is going

InformaticsAlan RuttenbergBarry SmithBiomedicalChEBIMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

According to their website “The Open Biomedical Ontologies (OBO) Foundry is a collaborative experiment involving developers of science-based ontologies who are establishing a set of principles for ontology development with the goal of creating a suite of orthogonal interoperable reference ontologies in the biomedical domain”. This week they are having a workshop in Cambridge, to bring myself up to speed, here is a quick name check of some of the

PhilosophyAnna FordBill GatesCopyrightIntellectual PropertyMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

This thing called Science, whatever it is, who actually owns it? Scientists? Technology companies? Industrial Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical companies? Investors? Shareholders? Governments? Universities? Philanthropists? Charities? Publishers? Joe Public?

DarwinianOmicsCharles DarwinDarwinDarwin 200Mühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

I’m not much of an evolutionary biologist, but Jonathan Eisen asked for help and I can’t resist. So, in the name of Science, here is some deserved Google Juice for various Trees of Life on the Web.

InformaticsBibtexCiteulikeConnoteaEndnoteMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

There is no shortage of bibliographic management tools out there, which ultimately aim to save your time managing the papers and books in your personal library. I’ve just been to a demo and sales pitch for one of them, a tool called RefWorks.

EpsrcMrcPhdResearchStudentshipMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

The School of Computer Science of the University of Manchester has up to 16 studentships to offer to highly motivated research students who wish to start a PhD in September 2008 (in exceptional circumstances the start date can be deferred until April 2009). The studentships pay tuition fees and a stipend to cover living expenses for 3 years.

InformaticsChEBICurationInchiIUPACMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Some rough and ready notes from day two of the first ChEBI workshop, 20th May 2008. There were two talks, one from Kirill Degtyarenko (European Patent Office) and the other from Janna Hastings (EBI), followed by a discussion.

InformaticsBabrahamChEBIEbiEthanolMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Some notes from day one of the first ChEBI workshop, 19th May 2008. There were four talks from Colin Batchelor (Royal Society of Chemistry), Ulrike Witting (EML Research GmbH Hiedelberg), Giles Weaver (Unilever) and Paula de Matos (EBI). Christoph Steinbeck has already written some ChEBI notes, these just add a little more detail.

SemwebChEBICompoundDictionaryEbiMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Chemical Entitites of Biological Interest, ChEBI, is a freely available dictionary [1] of molecular entities, especially small chemical compounds. Like all big dictionaries and ontologies, it has its own unique challenges. Fortunately, those nice people at the EBI are holding a workshop to discuss future developments in ChEBI. In preparation for the workshop, here are some brief notes on how ChEBI could be made better.

Lyrical1987Adam ClaytonBonoEightiesMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce

Twenty one years ago this month, in May 1987, Irish rockers U2 released their classic Joshua Tree single, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For. Those twenty one years have seen incredible technological change: the adoption of desktop computers, mobile phones, the birth of the Web and the widespread use of search engines like Google.