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x == (s || z). You say it kwontized
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PublishingBiology OpenCell BiologyCell ReportsELifeBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

I noticed something strange about the 2013 Impact Factor data for eLife . Before I get onto the problem. I feel I need to point out that I dislike Impact Factors and think that their influence on science is corrosive. I am a DORA signatory and I try to uphold those principles. I admit that, in the past, I used to check the new Impact Factors when they were released, but no longer.

FunGraphsIgorIgorProMetricsBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

Note : this is not a serious blog post. Neil Hall’s think piece in Genome Biology on the Kardashian index (K-index) caused an online storm recently, spawning hashtags and outrage in not-so-equal measure. Despite all the vitriol that headed Neil’s way, very little of it concerned his use of Microsoft Excel to make his plot of Twitter followers vs total citations!

PublishingScienceAuthorsH-indexMetricsBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

When it comes to measuring the impact of our science, citations are pretty much all we have. And not only that but they only say one thing – yeah – with no context. How can we enrich citation data? Much has been written about how and why and whether or not we should use metrics for research assessment.

ComputingScienceCell BiologyCodeGraphsBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

I thought I’d share a procedure for rotating a 2D set of coordinates about the origin. Why would you want do this? Well, we’ve been looking at cell migration in 2D – tracking nuclear position over time. Cells migrate at random and I previously blogged about ways to visualise these tracks more clearly. Part of this earlier procedure was to set the start of each track at (0,0). This gives a random hairball of tracks moving away from the origin.

ComputingPublishingScienceCodeGraphsBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

What does the life cycle of a scientific paper look like? It stands to reason that after a paper is published, people download and read the paper and then if it generates sufficient interest, it will begin to be cited. At some point these citations will peak and the interest will die away as the work gets superseded or the field moves on. So each paper has a useful lifespan.

ComputingMusicScienceITunesTftbBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

What is the best music to listen to while writing a manuscript or grant proposal? OK, I know that some people prefer silence and certainly most people hate radio chatter while trying to concentrate. However, if you like listening to music, setting an iPod on shuffle is no good since a track by Napalm Death can jump from the speakers and affect your concentration.

PublishingScienceCell BiologyClathrinEndocytosisBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

This post is about a paper that was recently published. It was the result of a nice collaboration between me and Francisco López-Murcia and Artur Llobet in Barcelona. The paper in a nutshell The availability of clathrin sets a limit for presynaptic function Background Clathrin is a three legged protein that forms a cage around membranes during endoctosis.

ComputingPublishingScienceAuthorsCellBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

I was looking at the latest issue of Cell and marvelling at how many authors there are on each paper. It’s no secret that the raison d’être of Cell is to publish the “last word” on a topic (although whether it fulfils that objective is debatable). Definitive work needs to be comprehensive. So it follows that this means lots of techniques and ergo lots of authors.

ComputingPublishingScienceCodeH-indexBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

This post is about metrics and specifically the H-index. It will probably be the first of several on this topic. I was re-reading a blog post by Alex Bateman on his affection for the H-index as a tool for evaluating up-and-coming scientists.

ReadingScienceBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

A great quote from a classic paper by J.B.S. Haldane “On Being The Right Size” (1926). The paper is available here. The post title is taken from ‘Falling and Landing’ by The Delgados from their LP ‘Domestiques’.

ComputingMusicCodeGraphsPlotsBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce

What was the best year in music? OK, I have to be upfront and say that I thought the answer to this would be 1991. Why? Just a hunch. Nevermind, Loveless, Spiderland, Laughing Stock… it was a pretty good year. I thought it would be fun to find out if there really was a golden year in music. It turns out that it wasn’t 1991.