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Henry Rzepa's Blog

Henry Rzepa's Blog
Chemistry with a twist
Ana SayfaAtom Besleme
Interesting ChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Starting around 2016, journal publishers started including mandatory “Data Availability” statements as part of research articles; a typical (dated) example is linked here, including guidelines for how to cite the data itself. I wrote about these aspects last year in a blog post for the RSC journal Digital Discovery[cite]10.26434/chemrxiv-2024-dz2dv[/cite] and here I follow up with more news.

Interesting ChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

This is another in the C&E News list of candidates for the Molecule of the Year, Molecular shuttle in a box [cite]10.1002/anie.202318829[/cite] Mirror-image cyclodextrin [cite]10.1038/s44160-024-00495-8[/cite] Molecular shuttle in a box [cite]10.1002/anie.202318829[/cite] Rule-bending strained alkene [cite]10.1126/science.adq3519[/cite] First soluble promethium complex [cite]10.1038/s41586-024-07267-6[/cite]

Interesting ChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

With AI and Machine learning needing data in abundance, interest in data discovery is intense. However, this type of discovery is somewhat different from more traditional data base searches, in that it is particularly suited for machine discovery as well as by humans. The discovery searches are conducted using an aggregated and federated metadata store, such as that curated by DataCite.

Interesting ChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Michael in a comment here on the mechanism of the Masamune-Bergman reaction notes that when it occurs as part of the Calicheamicin (an antibody-drug conjugate or ADC) version of this mechanism, a pre-step is first necessary. As discussed in this review article,[cite]10.3390/ph14050442[/cite] the trisulfide linkage is reduced and the resulting thiolate undergoes a facile 1,4-addition to the adjacent enone.

Interesting ChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

In exploring one-electron carbon-carbon bonds, I had noted previously[cite]10.59350/88k04-2×509[/cite] that both hexafluoroethane and ethane itself could each lose an electron to produce such species. A discussion developed in which a molecule isoelectronic with ethane, namely the methyl-λ1-borane radical (H 3 B-CH 3 ) was proposed by Jacob.

Interesting ChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

In the previous post, I looked[cite]10.59350/xp5a3-zsa24[/cite] at the recently reported[cite]10.1021/ja02261a002[/cite] hexa-arylethane containing a carbon-carbon one-electron bond, its structure having been determined by x-ray diffraction (XRD). The measured C-C bond length was ~2.9aÅ and my conclusion was that the C…C region represented more of a weak “interaction” than of a bond as such. How about a much simpler system,

Interesting ChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

More than 100 years ago, before the quantum mechanical treatment of molecules had been formulated, G. N. Lewis proposed[cite]10.1021/ja02261a002[/cite] a simple model for chemical bonding that is still taught today. This is the idea of the three categories of bond we know as single, double and triple, comprising respectively two, four and six shared electrons each, at least for the very common carbon-carbon bond.

Interesting ChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Calicheamicin was noted in the previous post as a natural product with antitumour properties and having many weird structural features such as  an unusual “enedidyne” motif. The representation is shown below. A partial structure shown below for Calicheamicin replaces the -(CH 2 )4- substructure with a four carbon chain that includes two sp 2 centres instead of two sp 3 centres.