Kimya BilimleriİngilizceWordPress

Henry Rzepa's Blog

Henry Rzepa's Blog
Chemistry with a twist
Ana SayfaAtom Besleme
Chemical ITAcrobatAnalysis SoftwareChemicalChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

In March, I posted from the ACS meeting in San Diego on the topic of Research data: Managing spectroscopy-NMR, and noted a talk by MestreLab Research on how a tool called Mpublish in the forthcoming release of their NMR analysis software Mestrenova could help. With that release now out, the opportunity arose to test the system.

Crystal_structure_miningAcetalsAlkane StereochemistryAnomerAnomeric EffectKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

The anomeric effect occurs at 4-coordinate (sp 3 ) carbon centres carrying two oxygen substituents and involves an alignment of a lone electron pair on one oxygen with the adjacent C-O σ*-bond of the other oxygen. Here I explore whether other centres can exhibit the phenomenon.

Chemical ITCrystal_structure_mining10.102110.110710.5517Kimya Bilimleriİngilizce

I previously used data mining of crystal structures to explore the directing influence of substituents on aromatic and heteroaromatic rings. Here I explore, quite literally, a different angle to the hydrogen bonding interactions between a benzene ring and OH or NH groups. I start by defining a benzene ring with a centroid.

Crystal_structure_miningAsymmetric HydrogenationBenzeneBenzoElectrophileKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

This is a follow-up to the post on exploring the directing influence of (electron donating) substituents on benzene[cite]10.1021/acs.jchemed.5b00346[/cite] with the focus on heteroaromatic rings such indoles, pyrroles and group 16 analogues (furans, thiophenes etc). The search query is shown above (and is available here[cite]10.14469/hpc/665[/cite]). As before, the distance is compared from an electrophile, modelled as

Chemical ITCrystal_structure_miningEsterFunctional GroupsInfra-RedKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

In this post, I pondered upon the C=O infra-red spectroscopic properties of esters, and showed three possible electronic influences: The red (and blue) arrows imply the C-O bond might shorten and the C=O bond would lengthen; the green the reverse. So time for a search of the crystal structure database as a reality check.

Crystal_structure_miningAlkeneAlkene-metal ComplexAlkyneBond LengthKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

Previously, I looked at the historic origins of the so-called π-complex theory of metal-alkene complexes. Here I follow this up with some data mining of the crystal structure database for such structures. Alkene-metal "π-complexes" have what might be called a representational problem; they do not happily fit into the standard Lewis model of using lines connecting atoms to represent electron pairs.

Crystal_structure_miningChemical PhenomenaData MiningEquivalent SearchHalogenKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

A while ago, I explored how the 3-coordinate halogen compound ClF 3 is conventionally analyzed using VSEPR (valence shell electron pair repulsion theory). Here I (belatedly) look at other such tri-coordinate halogen compounds using known structures gleaned from the crystal structure database (CSD). The search query specifies 7A as the central atom, defined with just three bonded (non-metallic) atoms.

Chemical ITCountry: Svalbard And Jan MayenCrossrefHead Of Information ResourcesHTMLKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

The title might give it away; this is my 500th blog post, the first having come some eight years ago. Very little online activity nowadays is excluded from measurement and so it is no surprise that this blog and another of my "other" scholarly endeavours, viz publishing in traditional journals, attract such "metrics" or statistics.

Chemical ITCrystal_structure_miningAnomerAnomeric EffectCarbohydrate ChemistryKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

This is a follow-up to one aspect of the previous two posts dealing with nucleophilic substitution reactions at silicon. Here I look at the geometries of 5-coordinate compounds containing as a central atom 4A = Si, Ge, Sn, Pb and of the specific formula C 3 4AO 2 with a trigonal bipyramidal geometry.

Reaction MechanismBrook RearrangementEnergyFree EnergyLeaving GroupKimya Bilimleriİngilizce

In the previous post, I explored the mechanism for nucleophilic substitution at a silicon centre proceeding via retention of configuration involving a Berry-like pseudorotation. Here I probe an alternative route involving inversion of configuration at the Si centre.