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Ulrich's NotesDiğer Sosyal BilimlerAlmanca

Vor Jahren entschloss ich mich, eine Promotion in Informationswissenschaft anzugehen. Das Vorhaben dümpelte lange vor sich hin und nahm erst Fahrt auf, als ich meine Stelle an der Saarländischen Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek vorübergehend auf 50 % reduzierte, um in Sachen Promotion voranzukommen.

ScholCommDiğer Sosyal Bilimlerİngilizce

Just like last summer I produced an Open Access Heatmap using data provided by the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). I calculated the number of Open Access Journals per country as listed by the DOAJ (this quite trivial data can be downloaded as a CSV file here). Using this CSV file with the online service CartoDB I produced the following heatmap visualizing the number of Open Access Journals per country.

ScholCommDiğer Sosyal BilimlerAlmanca

Tendenziell sympathisiere ich mit den Altmetrics, den alternativen Metriken, ermöglichen sie es Wissenschaftlern doch Resonanz auf Werke zu dokumentieren, die sich nicht in Zitationen manifestiert. Zudem können Altmetrics auch Referenzen auf Daten und Software (oder allgemeiner Nicht-Text-Objekte) in Social Media oder anderen Datenspeichern erfassen und so Wissenschaftlern Credit für die Publikation dieser Objekte verschaffen. Theoretisch.

ScholCommDiğer Sosyal BilimlerAlmanca

Nachdem sich die niederländischen Universitäten Anfang November 2014 nicht mit dem Verlag Elsevier über die Lizenzierung dessen wissenschaftlicher Zeitschriften verständigen konnten, gelang ihnen wenig später eine Einigung mit einem anderen Branchenriesen: Springer Publishing. Mit dem Springer-Deal gehen die Niederländer zugleich einen neuen Weg, denn der Vertragsabschluss umfasst nicht nur die Subskription bzw.

ScholCommDiğer Sosyal Bilimlerİngilizce

Last week (at the 22nd of August) I downloaded data from the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and calculated the number of Open Access Journals per country as listed by the DOAJ (this quite trivial data can be downloaded as a CSV file here). Using this CSV file with the online service CartoDB I produced this heatmap visualizing the number of Open Access Journals per country.

ScholCommDiğer Sosyal Bilimlerİngilizce

In June 2014 I analysed the data of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) to find out to what extent Open Access Journals in Sociology (as listed by the DOAJ) charge their authors with publication fees (or article processing charges APCs). A CSV-file offered for download by the DOAJ did not contain any information on APCs, in fact the whole APC-column was empty, so I gathered the information manually from the DOAJ’s search interface.

ScholCommDiğer Sosyal Bilimlerİngilizce

And again a by-product of my dissertation thesis: I compared the numbers and shares of journals from all disciplines using Creative Commons (CC) licenses with the numbers and shares of Open Access journals from Sociology using CC licenses. The date of data collection was June 8, 2014, the data source was the Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ , it listed 9.834 journals at the date mentioned.

ScholCommDiğer Sosyal Bilimlerİngilizce

Just another by-product of my dissertation thesis on Open Science in the Social Sciences: Last saturday (June 14, 2014) I had a look at the ten countries that publish the most Open Access journals and the share of journals charging their authors with article processing charges (APCs) per country.

ScholCommDiğer Sosyal Bilimlerİngilizce

While I was working on a longer text, I gathered – more or less as a by-product – information from studies and reports on the (first copy) costs of a scientific article. As a result, it can only be noted that the information available on these costs (and related costs as margins) are very different and really difficult to compare. The latter confirms my impression that there is a huge lack of transparency in the scientific publications market.

ScholCommDiğer Sosyal BilimlerAlmanca

Unter anderem Telepolis und der Standard vermeldeten es bereits: Die für die Herausgabe des wissenschaftlichen Journals Science verantwortlich zeichnende American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) wird eine eigene Open Access Zeitschrift mit dem Namen Science Advances gründen, das erste Issue ist offenbar für Beginn nächsten Jahres geplant. Wer sich an John Bohannons