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Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

SV-POW! ... All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
Ana SayfaAtom BeslemeISSN 3033-3695
ArtYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

Back in 2017, I showed the world 83.33% of my collection of sauropod-themed mugs. Time passes, and I have lost some of them and gained some more. The tally now stands at eight, and here they are: My missing Brontomerus mug never did turn up. In the mean time, I have also lost or maybe broken the Sauroposeidon mug, the old black-and-white Archbishop mug, and the single-view Xenoposeidon mug.

Stinkin' Every Thing That's Not A SauropodStinkin' TurtlesWanton Unlicensed CutenessYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

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Stinkin' Every Thing That's Not A SauropodStinkin' TurtlesWanton Unlicensed CutenessYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

What I think of as our phylogenetically-extended nuclear family grew by one this week: we got a baby box turtle. We got her from a local hobbyist, who hatched her last summer. We haven’t named her yet, so for now she’s just Baby Tiny Turtle.

3D ModelsArtBrian EnghLife RestorationsStinkin' FishYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

If I had to sum up my main research program over the past 20+ years, it would be, “Why pneumatic bone?” Or as I typically put it in my talks, most bone has marrow inside, so if you find bone with air inside, someone has some explaining to do (f’rinstance). One of the reasons I […]

100% Totally RealCaudalCredit Where It's DueGiraffatitanJust Plain WrongYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

It is said that, some time around 1590 AD, Galileo Galilei dropped two spheres of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa[1], thereby demonstrating that they fell at the same rate. This was a big deal because it contradicted Aristotle’s theory of gravity, in which objects are supposed to fall at a speed proportional to their mass.

RantsScience CommunicationTutorialYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

“And in conclusion, this new fossil/analysis shows that Lineageomorpha was more [here fill in the blank]: diverse morphologically varied widely distributed geographically widely distributed stratigraphically …than previously appreciated.“  Yes, congratulations, you’ve correctly identified that time moves forward linearly and that information accumulates.

CaudalOpen AccessPapers By SV-POW!sketeersPeer ReviewStinkin' CrocsYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

A month after I and Matt published our paper “Why is vertebral pneumaticity in sauropod dinosaurs so variable?” at Qeios , we were bemoaning how difficult it was to get anyone to review it. But what a difference the last nineteen days have made!

Burpee Museum Of Natural HistoryCeratopsiansConferencesIntegumentMuseumsYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

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