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Underworld Geodynamics Community

Underworld Geodynamics Community
Geodynamics, Computation and Education
Ana SayfaRSS Besleme
Underworld CodeYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazarlar John Mansour, Julian Giordani, Romain Beucher, Louis Moresi

The Underworld 2.9 release is available from Github, as a docker container and via zenodo (doi:10.5281/zenodo.3964957) it is also available through pip install for the first time (see below).Underworld paper in the Journal of Open Source Software The paper of record for underworld 2 has been published.

Underworld CodeYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Mansour

A new paper by John Mansour [] and others has just been published in the Journal of Open Source Software. * Mansour, J., Giordani, J., Moresi, L., Beucher, R., Kaluza, O.,  Velic,  M., Farrington, R., Quenette, S., Beall, A., 2020, Underworld2:  Python  Geodynamics Modelling for Desktop, HPC and Cloud, Journal of Open

DocumentationYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar Rohan Byrne

As the old truism states, the best way to learn is by doing. This is terribly unhelpful since, really, you can't 'do' anything until you learn. This is a Catch-22 that every grad student encounters; doubly so when it comes to anything involving code, where daily life provides very little in the way of intuition. Unlike other geodynamic modelling software, Underworld is designed to be approached with code.

Underworld CodeDocumentationYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar John Mansour

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.8 of Underworld has been released recently. As with all major releases, this release brings numerous new features, enhancements and bug fixes. A summary of changes may be found within the usual [] file.

GeodynamicsUnderworld CodeEditors-pickYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce
Yazar Rebecca Farrington

Viscoelastic materials exhibit the properies of both solids and liquids, with deformation rates dependent on both the viscous stress and elastic stress rate.

StripyGeodynamicsYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

Making your research reproducible means that you provide the entire workflow from data, through software and post-processing freely available. Not only can somebody repeat your experiments and verify them, they can build upon them. In lab-based disciplines, there are many further challenges, but in research that is predominantly based on data processing, this ought to be an achievable goal.

DocumentationYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

Zenodo is a repository for immutable versions of software that are provided with a persistent DOI for the purposes of citation and reproducibility.   Underworld can be cited via a zenodo DOI. There is a master DOI for all releases (10.5281/zenodo.1436039) and releases after 2.6.0 are automatically given a DOI _under the master_.

GeodynamicsUnderworld CodeYeryüzü ve ilgili Çevre Bilimleriİngilizce

(they don't make them like they used to ... ) Cratons are anomalously-strong regions of the continents that have largely resisted tectonic forces for billions of years. How such strong zones could be forged in a hot, low-viscosity, low stress,  early-Earth has been a long-standing puzzle for geologists.