Rogue Scholar Gönderileri

AcademiaWritingDiller ve Edebiyatİngilizce
Yayınlandı in The Ideophone
Yazar Mark Dingemanse

Academics often feature a few selected papers on their home page. Typically these represent big projects or work published in prominent venues. What I’d like to see more of is “niche papers”: work to be proud of even if it has managed to remain a bit obscure. What are your niche papers?

BIOliteratura📘PAPIME/UNAM/PE203625Biyolojik Bilimlerİspanyolca
Yayınlandı in BIOgarabatos

He iniciado una colección de la bibliografía para el curso de Introducción de la biología comparada de la licenciatura de Biología del nuevo plan de estudios de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM aprobado en el 2024. Esta colección tiene cómo propósito gestionar la literatura en una colección digital, abierta, interoperable que permita integrar todas las fuentes, generar bibliografías y producir citas y referencias.

BiologyAnimal GenomicsConferenceConferencesConservationBiyolojik Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in GigaBlog

The 32nd Plant and Animal Genomes (PAG) Conference 2025 was a whirlwind of fascinating talks and innovative research! As in previous years (see previous blog posts here & here), the event spanned 5 complete days, this time the organisers reporting 2349 registered attendees from 64 countries. The top 5 represented countries were (highest number of participants first); USA, Canada, UK, Germany and China.

Bildung + OERCreative Commons + LizenzenUrheberrechtOERinfoRecht Am Eigenen BildHukukAlmanca
Yayınlandı in
Yazar Lea Singson

Die CC BY-Lizenz ermöglicht es, mit ihr versehene Werke kostenlos unbegrenzt zu nutzen, solange die Urheberin genannt wird. Auch Portraitfotos von Personen können mit einer CC BY-Lizenz versehen sein. Doch was sagt die Lizenz darüber aus, ob die abgebildete Person mit der Verbreitung „ihres“ Fotos einverstanden war?

CommunityBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Yazar The rOpenSci Team

In 2024, we remained committed to open science and open source software.We continued to build a welcoming andinclusive community, through innovation and collaboration. Here are the highlights of the year: 🔗R-Universe R-Universe, rOpenSci’s platform for finding and publishing R packages,saw major advancements in 2024,making it an increasingly useful and trusted resource for the wider R community.

Artificial IntelligencePublic PolicyDiğer Mühendislik ve Teknolojilerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in The Connected Ideas Project
Yazar Alexander Titus

I remember the first time I heard the term sovereign AI . It was one of those buzzwords that feels equal parts thrilling and ominous—a promise of autonomy wrapped in the shadow of isolation. Now, it’s a concept reshaping not just how nations think about technology but how they define themselves in a world where identity increasingly lives in code. The United States just made its stance clear.

Academic JournalsCodeDataMethodologyOpen ScienceSosyal Bilimlerİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Rene Bekkers
Yazar Rene Bekkers

“Thank you for the invitation to review the manuscript you’ve received for possible publication in your journal. I will consider your request only if the data and code that produce the results reported are available in a publicly accessible repository.” This is my new default response to invitations to review manuscripts for academic journals.

100 Days To OffloadFlow BatteriesPersonalResearchMühendislik ve Teknolojiİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Dual Power Supply
Yazar Kirk Pollard Smith

Snapshot The entire world if I had abundant research funding: My reality, getting rejected on grant apps and falling on icy parking lots in St. Louis: Finished my postdoc I’ve just finished a two-year postdoctoral appointment at a French national laboratory, where I embedded myself as an engineer among true chemists.

HMCMCMCAlgorithmsEducationalBilgisayar ve Bilişim Bilimleriİngilizce
Yayınlandı in Bayesically Speaking

Introduction Remember MCMC from our series on these algorithms? Good times. We wandered through probability space like tourists with outdated maps, occasionally stumbling upon the good parts of the posterior. Then came Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC), which, let’s be honest, felt like finally getting a GPS. We could actually explore the posterior, using gradients to guide our journey. It was efficient! It was elegant!