I’m guest editing a special issue for the Journal of Electronic Publishing on open research for the humanities and social sciences. The call for papers is below: Call for papers: Special Issue on Open Research for the Humanities and Social Sciences
I’m guest editing a special issue for the Journal of Electronic Publishing on open research for the humanities and social sciences. The call for papers is below: Call for papers: Special Issue on Open Research for the Humanities and Social Sciences
In this Interview Jörg Pohle talks about generative AI tools and how they affect his research activities as well as what possible misunderstandings and fallacies in regards of using LLM’s are.
The 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science sets out an ambitious vision for transforming research towards making science a global public good. In addition to continued support for the increased openness of research products (publications, data, software), this document foregrounds the transformative potential of open research practices to enhance equity and inclusiveness within global research.
Over time, I gathered a bunch of helpful mental models to manage my work and motivate myself. These mental models can be applied in professional work, but also in private life at times. I often forget these are things I learned at some point, so I am writing them up for my Startup Therapy series as they come to me. Just in case they may prove helpful for someone at some point 😊 Today's mental model: Input tasks and output tasks.
Five years ago, we welcomed you to Leiden Madtrics through our first blog post. With the new blog, we wished to establish an active and engaging platform for our institute and our field to express ourselves – other than through scientific publications.
The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2025, published today, includes 12 Dutch universities, of which five are ranked in the top 100 worldwide. One prominent Dutch university, Utrecht University, is not included in the ranking. Last year this university decided to discontinue submitting data to the THE World University Rankings.
The release of the first Open Edition of the CWTS Leiden Ranking in January this year triggered an overwhelming response. It was covered by various news media, including Research Professional, AEF info, and TheMetaNews, and was endorsed by important stakeholders such as the International Science Council, the French Committee for Open Science, and the National Agency for Research and Development in Chile.
This article explores the evolving phenomenon of science communication in social media and the norms and values that shape these online spaces. Science communicators on TikTok share how they use generative AI to produce science-related social media content.
This blog post is the first of a series which will highlight some of the ways OpenCitations is currently adopted and used by the community. This series also gives us the chance to thank our users for trusting OpenCitations and for giving us the opportunity to improve our services through their feedback.
English version below . Vorige week werd in de Rijksbegroting een halvering van het budget van Open Science NL aangekondigd. Open Science NL, een zogeheten regieorgaan van NWO, heeft als opdracht om de transitie naar open science in Nederland te stimuleren en versnellen, met als doel dat open science de norm wordt.