Rogue Scholar Posts

Fotos + GrafikenGames + KonsolenGrundwissenKreativwirtschaftSoftware + Open SourceLawGerman
Published in
Author Betim Neziraj

Virtual Reality und Augmented Reality ermöglichen es, fremde urheberrechtlich geschützte Werke in virtuelle Umgebungen einzubinden. Dafür ist es ratsam, die verschiedenen Nutzungsrechte des Urheberrechts zu kennen. Was man dazu wissen sollte, erklärt Betim Neziraj. Im ersten Teil ging es um die Frage, wie VR- und AR-Anwendungen urheberrechtlich einzuordnen sind.

WILDLIFE NEWSBiological Sciences
Published in Simply Ecologist
Author Erzsebet Frey

Discovering the Captivating Deep-Sea Creature The ocean is a mysterious realm, teeming with enigmatic and rare creatures that continue to fascinate scientists and nature enthusiasts alike. Among these captivating entities is a rare deep-sea animal renowned for its enormous jaws and striking pink glow. Recently, researchers have gained more insight into this remarkable species, prompting a surge of interest and curiosity.

Languages and Literature
Published in Martin Paul Eve

I had a problem with my Tor relay last night. For some reason, the application (daemon) started but then after about 5 seconds it stopped listening. The Tor Metrics site was displaying a red button saying my node was unreachable and when I did “sudo ss -ltp” I got nothing. The application literally wasn’t “listening” (in network socket terms). The answer was actually embarrassingly simple.

EntradasAparato CríticoChrysoCollateCollatioConstitutio TextusLanguages and LiteratureSpanish
Published in Lucidarios

En la última entrada sobre ChrysoCollate repasé algunas alternativas para reducir la cantidad y la longitud de las entradas del aparato crítico. Cubrí entonces las opciones de configuración de variantes de lengua y de configuración de las entradas del aparato crítico. Dejé pendiente la última opción de esta ventana de configuración, que realmente no sirve para reducir el tamaño del aparato, sino para alterar su comportamiento.

AllgemeinFotos + GrafikenGames + KonsolenGrundwissenSoftware + Open SourceLawGerman
Published in
Author Betim Neziraj

Virtual Reality (VR) und Augmented Reality (AR) bieten immersive Erlebnisse, die Nutzer tief in digitale Welten eintauchen lassen oder virtuelle Elemente in die reale Umgebung einfügen. Die Technologien eröffnen neue Möglichkeiten in der Unterhaltungsindustrie, im Bildungsbereich und in der Medizin – gleichzeitig sind auch urheberrechtliche Punkte zu beachten.

Stinkin' InvertebratesEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Published in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I’ll be sending this letter to the Royal Society, but I also want it out there in public, because I hope that more people will follow the lead set by Dorothy Bishop and Stephen Curry in putting pressure on the Royal Society to grow a backbone. Dear Royal Society of London, You exist to support the advancement of science.

ScienceBiological Sciences
Published in Reciprocal Space
Author Stephen Curry

Update (17:26 11 Feb): all members of the UK or international scientific community are invited to indicate their support by signing the letter here . Update (13:2413 Feb): please see bottom of the post for the list of signatories (>1300 so far). Earlier today, I sent the letter below to Professor Adrian Smith, President of the Royal Society.

Global Access FundGlobal Access ProgramMembersComputer and Information Sciences
Published in DataCite Blog - DataCite
Author Nada ChayaandMohamad Mostafa

Since 2018, and as part of the global movement towards open science and knowledge as a public good, the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) has been working to promote norms and practices of social science research data management (RDM) and sharing among social scientists, information specialists, and research institutions in the Arab region.