Publicaciones de Rogue Scholar

OA NewsBibliothek Forschung Und PraxisCall For PapersOpen Educational PracticesOpen Educational ResourcesOtras Ciencias SocialesAlemán
Publicado in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Team OA Brandenburg

Die Fachzeitschrift Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis veröffentlichte soeben einen Call for Papers, auf den wir auch gern an dieser Stelle kurz hinweisen. Thema sind offene Bildungsmethoden bzw. Open Educational Practices (OEP). Diese Hier werden also die Ideen und Ziele von Open Access auf den Bereich der Bildung übertragen. Wie auch bei Open Access können auch bei den OEP Bibliotheken eine tragende Rolle übernehmen.

ScienceBiotechnologyOtras ciencias técnicasInglés
Publicado in The Connected Ideas Project
Autor Alexander Titus

I remember when synthetic biology was supposed to be the existential threat. The conferences, the white papers, the Senate hearings filled with grim predictions of a world where DNA synthesis and gene editing would put pandemic-class pathogens in the hands of anyone with a credit card and an internet connection. It hasn’t quite turn out that way, yet.

Publicado in Simply Ecologist
Autor Erzsebet Frey

Man Amazed to See Rare Eagle in Marlow A marvel of nature recently graced the skies over Marlow, leaving one man awestruck. The sighting of a rare eagle, a bird not typically seen in this region, has caught the attention of bird enthusiasts and onlookers alike. ## Spotting the Rare Eagle During what seemed to be an ordinary day, a man found himself witnessing an extraordinary spectacle.

CdkOpenscienceCdk2024Ciencias QuímicasInglés
Publicado in chem-bla-ics

As part of our Dutch Research Council (NWO) Open Science grant, we organized a Chemistry Development Kit User Group Meeting (#CDK25UGM), of which yesterday was the “conference” day, and today a hackathon. I opened the session with a few slides welcoming everyone at Maastricht University (and our Dept of Translational Genomics, and explaining the NWO grant.

Provincias NovohispanasHumanidades
Publicado in BLOG ATARRAYA
Autor Atarraya

por Luis del Castillo Múzquiz Actualmente, en 2024, existe en una colección particular de arte una pieza especial. Se trata de una pintura al óleo, anónima, pero es posible saber que data del siglo XVIII. Lo que se puede apreciar en ella es un escudo de armas; compuesto a su vez de varios cuerpos en los cuales hay pequeños escudos correspondientes cada uno a un apellido.

ComunityChampionsMultilingualInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés
Publicado in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Yanina Bellini Saibene

We have great news: The call for applications to be part of the new cohort of our 2025 Program is now open! And for the first time it will be in Spanish! Our program seeks to identify, recognize and reward people who are leaders in an open science community, research software engineering and the R programming community. This year’s program is focused on people from Latin America and for the first time will be conducted entirely in Spanish.

Lab LifeResearchInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónAlemán
Publicado in Infra Wiss Blogs

Wir freuen uns zu verkünden, dass das Projekt Infra Wiss Blogs auf dem diesjährigen BID Kongress mit einem Vortrag sowie einem Hands-on Lab vertreten sein wird. Der Vortrag mit dem Titel “Kartierung deutscher Wissenschaftsblogs - Ergebnisse und Impulse” wird am 26. Juni von 11 bis 11:30 in Halle 4.1/Raum II stattfinden.

Global HealthAccountabilityAccountability OverloadsArtificial IntelligenceComplianceCiencias de la EducaciónInglés
Publicado in Reda Sadki

I know and appreciate Joseph, a Kenyan health leader from Murang’a County, for years of diligent leadership and contributions as a Scholar of The Geneva Learning Foundation (TGLF). Recently, he began submitting AI-generated responses to Teach to Reach Questions that were meant to elicit narratives grounded in his personal experience.