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Abhishek Tiwari

Abhishek Tiwari
Diary of a Tech Savant and Servant Leader - All things technology, product, and engineering leadership.
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HackingGuidesCmsInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Statamic is a new PHP CMS with relatively small community. This website currently runs on Statamic. When it comes to setup, Statamic documentation provides very brief instructions on how you can install Statamic. Normally installing Statamic is quite easy. This is a quick rundown on how you can install Statamic on Ubuntu with Apache as web server.

HackingPerformanceGuidesInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

This is a quick rundown on how to install, configure and tune the PageSpeed on Ubuntu with Apache as web server. Installing First get the appropriate mod_pagespeed (64-bit or 32-bit version) .DEB package for your Ubuntu server.

DigitalHtml5W3cInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Recently I have been playing with Web Components (WC). W3C specification drafts describe Web Components as the component model for the web 1 . This component model consists of five new constructs: HTML Templates , Decorators , Custom Elements , Shadow DOM and HTML Imports . These constructs will be used as new primitives in the browser.

DataBig-dataDistributed-systemsInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Apache Mesos is a popular open source cluster manager which enables building resource-efficient distributed systems. Mesos provides efficient dynamic resources isolation and sharing across multiple distributed applications such as Hadoop, Spark, Memcache, MySQL etc on a dynamic shared pool of resources nodes. This means with Mesos you can run any distributed application which requires clustered resources.

TrendsTechnologyDigitalMarketing-technologyCmsInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Anjali Yakkundi from Forester offers some interesting insights about current digital asset management (DAM) technologies in the market. Most of DAM vendors are either struggling to adopt new digital trends or unable to respond to new type of requirements. Poor Usability Surprisingly, usability remains biggest DAM challenge for existing as well as new users and buyers.

HackingBloggingCmsInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Migration of this blog from Jekyll to Statamic is now complete. To my surprise migration process was very smooth and quick (it took less than 5 hours). As part of migration I also ported design of existing Jekyll website to Statamic. In addition, actual content migration was quite straightforward.

DigitalTechnologyLandscapeMarketing-technologyInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Two days back Scott Brinker published Marketing Technology Landscape for 2014. This is the third edition of his widely appreciated and popular marketing technology landscapes. This version includes about 950 marketing technology companies into 43 categories across 6 major classes. These companies mainly provide software and tools for marketers. This is 600 more than year 2012 and ~9 times compared to year 2011.

Best-practicesWeb-analyticsDevopsContinuous-deliveryInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

You may be wondering what can be common between web analytics annotation and application release. Before I answer that, it will be nice to understand what is annotation with respect to web analytics. Annotations or Notes Using annotations user can add shared or private notes right on the web analytics graphs. Annotations are quite useful to explain the unusual spikes or behaviour in your web analytics graphs.

DigitalWeb-analyticsHtml5Marketing-technologyTag-managementInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

Recently I wrote about a standard data layer for customer experience data. Extending our last discussion, in this post I am going to describe how you can use custom data attributes (data-*) and data layer for event tracking. As an example and to demonstrate use of custom data attributes and data layer, we are going to use Google Analytics.

NewsBloggingPersonalInformática y Ciencias de la InformaciónInglés

A very happy new year to all my readers. The excitement of making resolution in new year’s week is practically irresistible. So here I am. This post is for myself more than anyone else. 2013 It feels like only yesterday when I wrote a similar resolution post last year. What I can say? Time flies very quickly, often so quickly that there is not enough time to accomplish all resolutions. That was story of last year.